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Notebooking question


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I'd like to have the kids do more notebook pages because I think they would enjoy them and I'm looking for something to help solidify our SL reading. Since my kids only do work that is written on the assignment sheet :glare: how often should I assign it? We do read-alouds and independent reading every day and history 2 days a week. I'd love any advice to make this work!

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What do you want to include in these notebook pages? Narration? If so I would do it once or twice a week, when you do history to start.


I have my kids color pictures and these get put in their history notebooks (ala WTM) along with their maps and any other work they do as well. Since we are in SOTW4 and there are no color sheets in the A.G. I just google the topic and try to come up with something. I don't always get one, but some subjects obviously have lots to choose from. She colors while I read.


For dd7's notebook pages she sometimes draws a picture of a part of the story she likes. More often than not, it means she dictates a narration to me. I write it down, and then she recopies it into her own print. She may draw some decoration on the page. Then it goes in the notebook. Yesterday she colored the flags of the two sides of the debate, then we glued them on a piece of construction paper. Then she wrote 3 sentences about the story.


She does this 1-2 times a week for history, 1 x a week for science, and 1x a month for literature (working up to more here..)

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We notebook with SL. Check my blog below if you care to under "Notebooking." Depending on what topic you are studying, Notebooking Pages.com has some wonderful packages. I like having many to choose from, and the good thing is that the ones I don't use could be really good for when the girls are older.


We do it once or twice a week, normally a narration from our history readings. The girls often illustrate things they learn, along with 2 or 3 sentences (2nd and 3rd grades) summaries. We also put in some 3D lapbooking components on our notebooking pages, not a whole lapbook (cringe), but a minibook here and there throughout their notebooks. I use a large 3-ring binder to put all their stuff in.

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We notebook with SL. Check my blog below if you care to under "Notebooking." Depending on what topic you are studying, Notebooking Pages.com has some wonderful packages. I like having many to choose from, and the good thing is that the ones I don't use could be really good for when the girls are older.


We do it once or twice a week, normally a narration from our history readings. The girls often illustrate things they learn, along with 2 or 3 sentences (2nd and 3rd grades) summaries. We also put in some 3D lapbooking components on our notebooking pages, not a whole lapbook (cringe), but a minibook here and there throughout their notebooks. I use a large 3-ring binder to put all their stuff in.


This is almost exactly what I do. Except that I use History Scribe. I liked having the little blurbs at the top, but I could just as easily have gone with something free instead. I will say, my son really likes drawing pictures of people shooting arrows at each other, even though he's not terribly artistic. The actual writing part of it is much more of a drag, even when he's just dictating and I'm doing the writing. And I'm not even trying to get him to come up with the important points! (That's where we are in our composition lessons.)

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