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registering at the FIAR forums


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No, it's like that sometimes. You can PM a mod - that usually solves the problem.


Well, how would I do that? When I go to log in the board tells me I don't have permission to access those pages. If I'm logged out, there is no option to PM a mod. :confused:


I'd really like to be able to see the archives and discuss FIAR with those who are using it!

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The biggest reason registration fails happens when people do not use their real name. FIAR doesn't permit usernames or handles. You must use a form of your real name. Some people use their middle name. Some people use a name plus a state they love/like/live in. Sometimes people use a name followed by a verse reference. It just depends on the person.


If you follow all the steps and still have issues either contact a mod, pm me {I can help}, or go to FB and leave a message stating what your user name was and asking about it. :)

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i know at the FIAR boards you have to have a real name combo for a username, or it at least that's how it used to be. so over there, i can't be "mytwomonkeys", i have to be a real name. anyway, i had read that was an issue before with registering. it's been quite a while since i've been there though, so the rules may have changed.

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The biggest reason registration fails happens when people do not use their real name. FIAR doesn't permit usernames or handles. You must use a form of your real name. Some people use their middle name. Some people use a name plus a state they love/like/live in. Sometimes people use a name followed by a verse reference. It just depends on the person.


If you follow all the steps and still have issues either contact a mod, pm me {I can help}, or go to FB and leave a message stating what your user name was and asking about it. :)


yes, this, lol. i must have been writing while you were posting.

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