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Help with picking new grammar plan


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Now that Peace Hill Press isn't releasing the new grammar program I'm going to need a new plan. I was planning to use it with dd6 after we finish FLL3. I've been looking at different curriculum and reading reviews but I'm still unsure about what I want to use next. I'll provide a little background so you'll understand what might work. I did FLL1 and then skipped 2 because it was so repetitive and DD seemed bored. I like FLL because it's scripted and easy to use but even in level 3 it's pretty easy for her and more repetitive than needed. For example, when diagramming sentences she asked me to stop asking the questions in the book because it was silly and she already knew where to put the words. She doesn't complain about doing the lessons and actually seems to enjoy them because she likes worksheets and getting answers right.


We are also doing MCT Island series. She loves it and read the Grammar and Sentence Island books all the way through the first day we received them. We've been reviewing a chapter at a time together and discussing them while working the Practice Island sentences. We're about 30 sentences in to PI and she gets most of the 4 level analysis correct on her own. I plan to do Building Language and Music of the Hemispheres over the summer.


For some reason I just can't talk myself in to doing only MCT. I feel like we should have a little more structure and that she needs to learn traditional diagramming. I would like that "something" to be similar to FLL but a little more advanced or faster paced. Similar in that it doesn't require lots of preparation on my part but faster in the introduction of new concepts.


We also do WWE3. I skipped level 2 because she asked for the ability to read the stories herself instead of having me read them. She loves WWE and I think we're on the right level for her now.


I know this is lengthy but would appreciate some feedback from those of you who have more experience.

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I'm in a bit of the same boat. We're using FLL3 now. I was planning to do MCT for a bit, then do ALL. Now I'm not sure what I'll do for regular grammar. I might just use R&S as a "what to teach" and just keep analyzing sentences. Don't know. R&S lower grades are super duper easy, but I think it ramps up a lot in the upper grades.


We'll be using MCT Island by itself next year. I don't plan to add any other grammar to it. I figure we have plenty of time to get more grammar later on. It doesn't have to crammed in every single year. As easy as it's been to pick up now, I'm sure he'll easily remember it when we review it closer to logic stage.

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Are programs like Hake and R & S similar to FLL in that they review basics every year. One reason I was comfortable skipping way ahead in FLL was that others here mentioned that we wouldn't miss anything because anything covered in level 2 or 3 would be repeated in level 4, etc. Is this true of most grammar programs? I hate to buy something to accelerate her and then realize I have to go back and teach a bunch of things we skipped in order for the curriculum to work.

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We'll be using MCT Island by itself next year. I don't plan to add any other grammar to it. I figure we have plenty of time to get more grammar later on. It doesn't have to crammed in every single year. As easy as it's been to pick up now, I'm sure he'll easily remember it when we review it closer to logic stage.


I think finishing Island and moving on to the next level is an option for me too. I considered just doing that and Easy Grammar Daily Grams or whatever it's called. We did the Grade 2 book already so I thought about checking out the next level just for the daily guided student sheets. I just like the FLL format and DD enjoys it so I'm checking in to all my options.

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Are programs like Hake and R & S similar to FLL in that they review basics every year. One reason I was comfortable skipping way ahead in FLL was that others here mentioned that we wouldn't miss anything because anything covered in level 2 or 3 would be repeated in level 4, etc. Is this true of most grammar programs? I hate to buy something to accelerate her and then realize I have to go back and teach a bunch of things we skipped in order for the curriculum to work.


I haven't yet seen a grammar program that didn't repeat things in the elementary years. I think it's the middle grades where you can't necessarily just jump in at grade level, at least in some programs. For example, in R&S, you can jump in at grade level any time up to about grade 6, I think? Above that, and you need to do the grade 6 book before moving on to 7, etc. I don't know where that point is in all curricula, but


I have R&S 2, 3, and 4, and yes, they repeat from the beginning what a noun is, what a verb is, etc, etc, just like FLL does. And in grades 2 and 3, it's done almost in a "You obviously don't speak proper English at home" sort of way, which is why I went with FLL3 instead of R&S3.


Grammar has just been really tough to sort out, because DS gets it very easily. He loves diagramming. I never even bother with the questions in FLL3. I just say "Ok, diagram these sentences!" It's pretty obvious what goes where. I think he has a harder time saying "predicate nominative" than understanding what it is. :lol: That said, at some point, I have to think "Why?" He's not writing original stuff yet (we're working on hand strength), so I don't feel like I need to really accelerate grammar much. The point of grammar is to improve writing, but if he isn't writing much yet, then why does he need a lot of grammar? So we're plugging along at FLL3 at normal pace (3 lessons per week). It's easy, and he likes it, and yet it's mostly new material once we got past nouns and verbs. So because of my goals, I think MCT alone will be fine for 3rd and probably 4th grade, and then I might throw in a traditional grammar book or just add things to what we're doing daily. I also found this site that looked like a good basic review. So maybe I could do something like that throughout the year. We'll also plan to diagram the MCT sentences. I love diagramming! It's very mathematical. :D


I may use R&S upper grades when we get to that point. Or maybe PHP will magically be able to release ALL by then. ;) Though I'm happy to have WWS available. I need WWS more than I need ALL.

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I haven't yet seen a grammar program that didn't repeat things in the elementary years. I think it's the middle grades where you can't necessarily just jump in at grade level, at least in some programs. For example, in R&S, you can jump in at grade level any time up to about grade 6, I think? Above that, and you need to do the grade 6 book before moving on to 7, etc. I don't know where that point is in all curricula, but


I have R&S 2, 3, and 4, and yes, they repeat from the beginning what a noun is, what a verb is, etc, etc, just like FLL does. And in grades 2 and 3, it's done almost in a "You obviously don't speak proper English at home" sort of way, which is why I went with FLL3 instead of R&S3.


Grammar has just been really tough to sort out, because DS gets it very easily. He loves diagramming. I never even bother with the questions in FLL3. I just say "Ok, diagram these sentences!" It's pretty obvious what goes where. I think he has a harder time saying "predicate nominative" than understanding what it is. :lol: That said, at some point, I have to think "Why?" He's not writing original stuff yet (we're working on hand strength), so I don't feel like I need to really accelerate grammar much. The point of grammar is to improve writing, but if he isn't writing much yet, then why does he need a lot of grammar? So we're plugging along at FLL3 at normal pace (3 lessons per week). It's easy, and he likes it, and yet it's mostly new material once we got past nouns and verbs. So because of my goals, I think MCT alone will be fine for 3rd and probably 4th grade, and then I might throw in a traditional grammar book or just add things to what we're doing daily. I also found this site that looked like a good basic review. So maybe I could do something like that throughout the year. We'll also plan to diagram the MCT sentences. I love diagramming! It's very mathematical. :D


I may use R&S upper grades when we get to that point. Or maybe PHP will magically be able to release ALL by then. ;) Though I'm happy to have WWS available. I need WWS more than I need ALL.


I always recognize and remember your posts. I'm fairly new here but My DS 7 seems very similar to yours. I wish you could come over and help me figure out a plan for MY DS! I know I am holding him back in areas by doing too much and I am trying to get a hold of what we NEED and letting him excel in what he loves, which is math. He just gets everything so quick so I think why not add one more thing.....ugh. He is NOT so creative in writing, though he likes grammar, gets it quick and likes it because it follows rules.


This thread is helpful for me as far as planning goes, thanks!

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Have you looked at Growing with Grammar? Esp. since you said she likes worksheets...


It's on my list to check out. I feel better after seeing pp say that most elementary curricula repeat so I should be okay as long as I start with a 5th grade or below. After reading the pp about not needing to rush grammar until we get to a level of writing that demands it I'm wondering if mct might be enough.

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It's on my list to check out. I feel better after seeing pp say that most elementary curricula repeat so I should be okay as long as I start with a 5th grade or below. After reading the pp about not needing to rush grammar until we get to a level of writing that demands it I'm wondering if mct might be enough.


... we also like GWG here, but haven't started mct yet ...

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My 11 and 9 year olds are doing just MCT. My 11 year old is about to start level 4 and I've heard there is more formal grammar, including diagramming. I have been willing myself not to open the box until we are ready to start, LOL, so I don't know for sure. If it's not enough grammar for my tastes I have a complete set of the old, out of print, Warriner's English Grammar and Composition, which I LOVED as a child. I will likely use that at some point in any case.

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