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I have a chicken experiment going on

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One of my silkie hens is broody. Another is semi-broody. I have them in their own coop, away from everyone else, trying to encourage them. They both have three eggs. Semi-broody is in a dog carrier. I close her up all but a few hours in the morning.


Sometime next week, Thursday or Friday, I'm getting eight chicks, and I'm hoping to be able to slip them under the hens. Backyard Chickens says it will work if the hens have enough time to be broody.


Cross your fingers! I'd rather the hens raise them than me. They are both excellent mothers.

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Good luck! I tried to get my silkie to accept a newly hatched chick after she had been brooding for about 17 days and she would have no part of it. I had to rescue the little guy ffrom being pecked to death.


I sincerely hope it works for you...perhaps I have a silkie that is the antithesis of all a broody silkie should be! :lol:

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Good luck! I tried to get my silkie to accept a newly hatched chick after she had been brooding for about 17 days and she would have no part of it. I had to rescue the little guy ffrom being pecked to death.


I sincerely hope it works for you...perhaps I have a silkie that is the antithesis of all a broody silkie should be! :lol:


Uh oh, I don't want to hear this! One of these little gals just raised a clutch. The minute they started going about on their own she went broody again.

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Cross your fingers! I'd rather the hens raise them than me. They are both excellent mothers.


It's so much easier when they do it! Let us know if it works. We only ever had chicks raised by hen or chicks raised by this Mom and her son...:D. I have never dared to slip one under, mine have never been broody at the right time.

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I've done it many times. The only thing you DON'T want to do is slip chicks under a duck--she'll take them to the ditch and drown them...


Do you have any idea how long they need to be broody? I'm wondering if I have enough time.


Did you do it all at once? One at a time and checking? How old were the chicks? Details please, you can't possibly give me too many details!!!:lol:

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I've got a bantam that's broody right now. We tried to break her of it but she wasn't having anything to do with it. I got some fertile eggs from a friend and we'll see how it goes. They should hatch this week.


Now ANOTHER hen is going broody. I really didn't want to deal with this over the winter. We're going to try to break her.

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