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<sigh> Requested book came on CD instead of print...

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So I started reading a trilogy, & went ahead & requested book 2 when I requested book 1, figuring if it was good, I'd want it right away. Plus, I'm like #6 in line for it.


It was good. I did want it right away. I made a special trip to the library when LE said it was there.


And it's on CD. What am I supposed to do w/ that? I can't play it w/ the dc around--I don't know if it's appropriate. I can't play it during sch while I wait for ds to finish his math--totally distracting. I don't have a headset so it can follow me around the house after bedtime. Bummer. BUMMER.


Now I'm back at the bottom of the request list, wondering if I'll get the book or the CD this time. Argh! :smash:


(Btw, PiCO, I owe you some rep for rec this series. It's a perfect ex of "Distopian Lit" as dh calls it, & I LOVE that genre. I tried to rep you, but...I can't remember if it said I'd already given you some or I'm out.)

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Aw, I wish the library would put in bold print anything that is unusual about the item. I've done the same thing as well as books in Spanish AND in large print. Sigh.


I'm pretty sure I clicked "book" & then "next avail. copy." I don't think I got a choice between CD & book. I really *hope* I overlooked it, though, because otherwise...who knows what I'll get *this* time? :001_huh:

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When I request books at my library, they have a comment section, where I can specify format.


Sometimes they're not very good about it though. When I requested Life of Fred Geometry, they sent LoF Algebra :glare:


Since they haven't produced anything I've requested since January, though, I'm starting to give up hope. At you got the CD.


Can you play it on your computer with headphones?

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