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Would this text be considered Algebra 2?

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It is a common text used in remedial math (Algebra 2) in community colleges.


The most popular programs used in community colleges are Lial, Bittenger, Tobey and Rockswold... there are others--but these tend to be the ones used the most.


Obviously I prefer the Lial format, the Bittenger texts seem 'out of order' to me...


At this level 'Intermediate Algebra' is Algebra 2 (same as high school Algebra 2).

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Ds used the 6th edition for Intermediate Algebra at CC this semester. They will only cover the first 8/11 chapters. We covered that material in Algebra 1. :banghead: Silly me, I thought they'd cover the entire book.


With 20/20 hindsight...


Check the syllabus next time :P (not meant to be snarky, but a serious warning. We don't cover all of any text at my university simply because some topics are more important than others and the student population couldn't keep up if we did.)

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