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Looking for podcast recommendations

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I recently started a (very) part time job and I've just discovered podcasts to make my commute more enjoyable - sometimes 2hrs/day. I'd love some recommendations for good ones! I'm specifically looking for:

1. Sermons (I'm a reformed Christian - already put Keller & Piper on my list)

2. Homeschooling/education strategies

3. ENCOURAGEMENT! between hs & working, I need all the help I can get! Anything about marriage, motherhood, home organization, etc.

4. Stories or news (preferably unbiased - is that possible?)

Anything else that you've found that you love! Thanks so much!


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I love podcasts, too. For sermons, I like Northwoods Church sermons based in Peoria, IL. They have tons on a variety of topics.


Have you looked into the foreign language podcasts? We've used different Spanish and Latin ones. (I can't remember which ones now. Sorry.)


What about SWBs audio lectures? I have several and get so much out of them.

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I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, because I'm a good liberal Episcopalian and should NOT enjoy these podcasts, but I really like Revive Our Hearts and Family Life Today. Once in a while there's a topic that raises my hackles and I just skip it, and I don't agree with everything they say by a long shot, but I find both very useful, pleasant, and encouraging overall.

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Car Talk with Click and Clack - very funny. It's two brothers who talk about car repairs. I know that sounds so lame but it's awesome.


I also like Dave Ramsey.


These aren't technically podcasts but their radio shows that you can download.

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I do listen to Family Life Today on the radio sometimes, and I also feel a little embarrassed to admit that. I didn't realize they had podcasts - have to check it out. Sometimes it's just a bit much for me, but I often find it encouraging, too. I used to hate that kind of thing, but I think as I've matured I'm able to get the good stuff out of it and tune out the rest!

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Downinfront.net is a group of film geeks that make their own movie commentary tracks. Very interesting if the idea of a two hour podcast appeals to you. Its like watching a movie with four of your geekiest friends. They are all in the film industry, and provide a unique insight. The language can get pretty offensive at times though, so I wouldn't recommend it to most people who may consider themselves conservative.

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