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Latin for a 6 year old ?

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Firstly ... most of us who teach Latin here begin (at the earliest) when the child is comfortably reading.


That said...here are some curricula that can be used in early elementary:


Prima Latina


Lively Latin (tho I think this program is best used when a child is reading AND writing comfortably)

Elementary Latin (by Sattler, I think???)

and Latin Primer (used at a slower pace)


At Paula's Archives you can find detailed reviews on these programs.


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I'll go against conventional board wisdom to say that we've really enjoyed learning Latin at a young age. I teach Prima Latina in a co-op class for younger kids (ages K to grade 4) and we're really enjoying ourselves. Last year I had an even younger group - preschool to grade 1 and we spent most of the year going over the grammar and vocab in lessons 1 to 5 in Prima. We played a lot of games and everyone had fun. My own kids are kindergarten and grade 2 and Latin does not detract from learning the basics at this age. We're very low-key about it - they attend my co-op class for 45 minutes per week, spend a couple of minutes daily reviewing their vocab and then my grade 2 student spends a little more time (maybe 20 minutes tops?) completing his workbook assignments for the week.


Right now it's just about having fun with Latin and learning a little along the way. We will be completing Prima this year with our class and then I'll probably start LCI with them next year but maybe take two years to complete it. After that we may do Lively Latin before launching into LCII.


I really don't see any downsides to starting early with an emphasis on enjoyment of the language.


In addition to my younger boys I also have a grade 6 dd who has just started her second semester of High School Latin in an online course using Henle.



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I agree with Susan on her "basic board wisdom" and I only have one thing to add to her list of programs. Classical Academic Press (Publishers of Latin for Children) has created a K-2 Latin program that they are putting out this Spring, called Song school Latin.


Oooo, thanks for sharing this information and the link to the samples. This looks fantastic! But now it raises the question....Do I do this or Minimus? Decisions, decisions, decisions. Glad we have so many choices of great products though!:)

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I want classical pronunication.


Prima Latina is not classical pronunciation but that's what we've used this year with our 6.5 year old. We've really enjoyed it. He is *not* reading well; in fact, his reading isn't that great yet. He does have a huge love of words, however, and finds it fun (5-10 minutes a day). We've done it all orally and are easily on target to finish it this year. We use the Teacher's Guide and the CD this year only.


I was looking to just fill in for next year and Song School Latin that Cadam posted looks like a fun filler. I'm also considering Minumus. We're looking to continue vocab next year and then dive into something more seriously in 3rd grade.

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Second this! My 6yo is a very strong reader with strong verbal skills so we started Latin orally. We use Prima Latina, listen to the cds and I write on the white board to show dss the vocab involved for derivatives, endings, spelling. It's worked very well, dss love Latin and so far are learning and retaining well without all the bookwork.


I'll be looking at the recommendations here for the next step. I've been pleasantly surprised at how well this is going.

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