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The Sunday Hangout (aka Teachers Lodge)

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I posted this WAY earlier . . . but in somebody else's thread! Oops! (Thank you kindly, Jean in Newcastle, for gently pointing that out!)



Okay, so it's really the Teachers Lodge. I'm opening it up today because I'm lonely, I guess. And avoiding what needs to be done. My husband went to the office after church today. Not sure what time he'll be home. I have some follow up phone calls that I need to make for my business but I'm really not in the mood to deal with people on the phone at the moment. I'm in the middle of planning for my all-day scrapbook retreat for next Saturday, Nov. 5. Hubby doesn't know it yet but he's in charge of the kids ALL DAY. I figure as much as he's been working 17 hour days lately and it's been up to me to make the kids do what needs to be done, he can have one day to do it and I'll go to two different crops (scrapbooking gatherings). One is from 10am-4pm and the other is from 4pm-10pm, dinner included. :D



What are you up to today? Me: see above.


What's for dinner? Here: While I can cook, I really don't care to (in case you hadn't noticed), so I may whisk the children away to Chili's or somewhere else nearby.:auto: UPDATE: We went to Village Inn. I had a coupon!


Who's ready for the schoolweek? Don't look at me like that! :001_huh::glare::tongue_smilie::D:lol:


Talk to me! :bigear:


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Sweetie - I've done stuff like that before.


If you scroll down a bit you'll see the "Jean in Newcastle is bored" thread that Rough Collie started tonight (the Scamp!) She didn't want to hear my whining all by herself;)


I am not ready for school tomorrow. I'm not ready for a week of chores etc. either. But I'm going to put on my big-girl panties and we're gong to do it anyway.


So let's cheer each other on! smiley-face-cheer.gif

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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This is an off-school week for us although I guess we will have a few field trips. Today is Sweet-Pea's 10th birthday with trick or treat this evening. Tomorrow (11/1), we leave for St. Louis for Boo-Boo's annual orthopedic appointment. While there, we plan to hit the zoo and the children's museum as well as take the girls on their first visit to a Hard Rock Cafe.


I am most looking forward to several days where I don't have to cook. :)

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This is an off-school week for us although I guess we will have a few field trips. Today is Sweet-Pea's 10th birthday with trick or treat this evening. Tomorrow (11/1), we leave for St. Louis for Boo-Boo's annual orthopedic appointment. While there, we plan to hit the zoo and the children's museum as well as take the girls on their first visit to a Hard Rock Cafe.


I am most looking forward to several days where I don't have to cook. :)


Last week was our off school week. I hope that you get some rest as well as have a good doctor's appointment.

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