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Teachers Lodge 10-28-2011

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Sorry I'm late!


Worrying over my husband and some schooling issues.


What was for lunch today? Kids had a sandwich and Halloween candy (I know, I know). I had part of the apple that the kids also had ( a HUGE honeycrisp apple) and some Halloween candy. What?:lol:


Weekend plans? I'm thinking about "kidnapping" my dh for the day and finding somewhere else for my kids to go tomorrow.


Ready for Monday? HA.


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Lunch - I am eating a salad right now with apples, walnuts, feta cheese, and chicken.


Weekend plans - (Yes, I have them, Scrap!)

Late this afternoon/Evening - go to Natalieclaire's house for hugs, a chat and dinner!

Saturday - go to my ILs and take care of their house and bills. Take Weed Boy (aka ds14) out shopping for clothes that fit - again.

Sunday - All church, all the time. Well, not that much but it takes all the planned part of my day.


Monday - Monday? Is it Monday already, Scrap? Oh, you mean I have to PLAN AHEAD? :willy_nilly: This is me, now.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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It's been a busy day and I'm just now checking the boards!


We had lots of running around to do today. DH and ds just left for a weekend camping trip with scouts. It's cold and rainy, in fitting Scout tradition! :tongue_smilie: DD7 and dd4 wanted cinnamon bread and fruit for dinner. Easy enough. DD14 is at a small group Bible study and is eating there. I'm going to treat myself to take out when I pick her up!


Tomorrow is the last soccer games for dd7 and ds. DD14 has two dance performances. We have trunk or treat and fall festivities at church tomorrow evening. I think we will all sleep well tomorrow night!

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DH and ds are on a camping trip (in the cold rain. ICK!). Tonight I took the night off from cooking. I treated myself to Chinese food. My little girls are already in bed. It's the first cold night of the season. Fuzzy sock season has officially begun. I'm sipping a mug of hot chocolate and sitting at the kitchen table with my lovely 14 year old as she carves the pumpkins. My Yankee Candle (Autumn wreath scent) is burning in the living room. Life is GOOD!

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What was for lunch today? Today was oldest birthday. We had a brunch party I guess you could say. Friends came over around 10. We had kolaches, blueberry bagels, fruit and cupcakes


weekend plans? continuing the bday festivities and watching as many Halloween shows are we can stand :)


Ready for Monday? Monday, what's a Monday lol

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Lunch - Tacos


Weekend - The competitive rocketry team is coming over to build their prototype design. They will be working independently at one table (and making a heap of a ruckus) while I attempt to work on a quilt at the other. We'll see how that goes.


I'm ready for Monday. School is going well, humming along. I have a lot of sewing ahead of me as there is a benefit auction on the 3rd for an M.D. with "Doctor's Without Borders" and a 4-H silent auction the 5th. Additionally, I have an intricate ocean themed baby quilt that is all appliqued and going tediously slowly that must be done by December 1st and shipped immediately in order to reach it's recipient in Egypt. If you hear the sounds of a human head banging on wood, that's me! :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and my sister will be home for Christmas, the first time in four years, and so I'd like to get a quilt made for her. :willy_nilly::blink::banghead:



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