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Our ortho is changing careers

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I'm just aggravated and need to vent to others who have BTDT. My son has been going to the orthodontist for a year now. Then suddenly last weekend we started getting letters from a different orthodontist for what seemed like no apparent reason. Well, last Saturday (the 22nd) we get a letter from the current ortho saying that he has decided to go back to school and has transferred all the records to another office up the street. The letter was written with a tone that everyone knew what was coming, when in fact I had NO idea.


So yesterday the new office calls to reschedule an appointment that would have been on Nov 2nd. They can't see us until Nov 30th. Oh, and by the way, we want your October payment NOW. At the old office I just paid for 2 months at a time and it was no big deal. Would have done that on Nov. 2nd. But for some reason I'm really having issues just forking over money to a new ortho's office when I've never even met them.


I'm put off by the scheduling issue, plus they brag on and on about their skating parties, contests for kids, star stickers, t-shirts, etc. Honestly, I don't want to pay for all that junk. I picked a no-frills ortho for a reason and now I feel like I've just been dumped into this other practice and I'm just not ready to fork my money over to them. Yeah, it probably goes to the original ortho... I get that. Am I just over-reacting or would this bug anyone else too??


Has anyone ever changed orthos midstream? I really can't afford to just throw money down the drain because I don't like the situation, but at the same time we need to have an ortho we are comfortable with.

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I'm just aggravated and need to vent to others who have BTDT. My son has been going to the orthodontist for a year now. Then suddenly last weekend we started getting letters from a different orthodontist for what seemed like no apparent reason. Well, last Saturday (the 22nd) we get a letter from the current ortho saying that he has decided to go back to school and has transferred all the records to another office up the street. The letter was written with a tone that everyone knew what was coming, when in fact I had NO idea.


So yesterday the new office calls to reschedule an appointment that would have been on Nov 2nd. They can't see us until Nov 30th. Oh, and by the way, we want your October payment NOW. At the old office I just paid for 2 months at a time and it was no big deal. Would have done that on Nov. 2nd. But for some reason I'm really having issues just forking over money to a new ortho's office when I've never even met them.


I'm put off by the scheduling issue, plus they brag on and on about their skating parties, contests for kids, star stickers, t-shirts, etc. Honestly, I don't want to pay for all that junk. I picked a no-frills ortho for a reason and now I feel like I've just been dumped into this other practice and I'm just not ready to fork my money over to them. Yeah, it probably goes to the original ortho... I get that. Am I just over-reacting or would this bug anyone else too??


Has anyone ever changed orthos midstream? I really can't afford to just throw money down the drain because I don't like the situation, but at the same time we need to have an ortho we are comfortable with.

That would tick me off too! I mean, I understand the ortho changing careers. Good for him for following a dream! BUT, the way he went about it sounds weird. You should have been told. Mabye it was just an oversight and he really thought you knew?


If it were me, I'd go visit that new ortho, but I would not pay one penny until I'd met with him and we'd agreed on a treatment plan. In the meantime, I'd be asking for the records and checking out all the other orthos in town! Pick the one you like best.


Ugh. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. (We're going through the same thing, but with a family doctor:()

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Ugh! I'm sorry you are going through this.


We changed orthodontists after two and a half years of care for my son. I completely understood his reason for selling the practice. His wife had been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer and he wanted to be with her as much as possible.


And yet, it was a very difficult transition. The new Dr. did not know us as well (my husband and I had also been through braces with the former Dr., so we had a nearly 8 year relationship with him), so she didn't seem to really care like we were used to.


She also had a very different perspective about some aspects of his treatment. She removed his braces when our dentist said he still had some serious issues to correct. His retainer never fit right (caused a considerable amount of pain), but she seemed uninterested in really fixing it. As a result he didn't wear it often enough. I suspect he will need some additional orthodontic treatment in the near future.




I hope you get some satisfaction and return to the level of care you are used to.

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Just because they transferred the records doesn't mean you have to use that orthodontist (even though they might like to SAY that you have to). You can always choose a new ortho or interview this one to see if you want to visit them.


And a initial meet=up with a new ortho is generally a free visit. Request your child's ortho records IN WRITING and take them to go visit a few new docs to see who can do the best job with care for you.

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Did you sign a contract with your original orthodontist? According to your contract, does he have the right to transfer care without your explicit, specific consent?


If your contract does not give him that right, specifically, then I think you have grounds to say that you did not consent to treatment with this provider and that you certainly will not pay them until you have met the provider and made your OWN decision about your son's care.


Do NOT pay them until you have decided what to do as that could indicate that you have accepted this provider for your son's medical needs.


Then shop around and make your own decision.


ETA--I would be completely ticked off about this. The ortho does have the right to make his own career decisions, but he does NOT have the right to make decisions about what medical provider YOU use.

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Did you sign a contract with your original orthodontist? According to your contract, does he have the right to transfer care without your explicit, specific consent?


If your contract does not give him that right, specifically, then I think you have grounds to say that you did not consent to treatment with this provider and that you certainly will not pay them until you have met the provider and made your OWN decision about your son's care.


Do NOT pay them until you have decided what to do as that could indicate that you have accepted this provider for your son's medical needs.


Then shop around and make your own decision.


ETA--I would be completely ticked off about this. The ortho does have the right to make his own career decisions, but he does NOT have the right to make decisions about what medical provider YOU use.



Absolutely, this! Additionally, I don't think there is any legal grounds for a medical professional to choose someone else's medical provider. He can't tell you where you have to go. I would contact the office and tell them that you and your husband choose the health care providers for your children; you do not have them "assigned" to you. They will not receive any money as you will be exploring your options. Possibly, they could turn out to be the ortho office of choice for you, but you can't know that until you do your research. Don't let them push you around.



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