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Spanish at cc for first class?

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We have not done foreign language for a variety of reasons of which I will spare you. Dd is a junior and did do one year of latin.


She is in three online classes this year and doing very well. My plan is to enroll her in Spanish 1 at the cc for spring semester and again fall of her senior year. One of her online classes is ending in February so that will lighten her load a bit.


I guess it is too late to do much else besides this plan- but I wondered if anyone else has gone this road and have any thoughts.




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I have friends that teach a little foreign language at home the semester before they take a college course. We were fortunate for our dd to take University courses after a semester of tutoring. I'm going to start ds at home this year and move him to the college next year for two years. It is funny though, they go right in to how to find an apt and go out dancing instead of animal and color words. lol

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Dd's first dual-credit class was Spanish I. It went well. It was a live class (as opposed to online or hybrid).


I would caution you against doing a foreign language at cc as an online class, though. Dd enrolled in an online class for Spanish II (that was the only way it was offered), and ended up dropping it. The interface was insanely complicated, the teacher was hard to reach, and she fell behind quickly. She will take Spanish II next semester when it is offered live again.

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My dc took foreign language as a first cc class and did just fine. They had no background in the language. The teacher moved quickly through the material, so there was a lot of vocabulary to memorize each week. These were on campus classes, not online. I don't think I would do an online foreign language class because it would be quite difficult.

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We are doing it right now. My oldest (jr)was very diligent his freshman and soph year doing SOS Spanish. He completed all of I and about half of II. Well, he is LOVING cc Spanish and thriving. They got their midterm grades and his is a 98.8.


My second son( 9th) started SOS I in junior high thought it was too hard tried switching to SOS Secondary Spanish then back to SOS I. Neither he nor I were diligent about it. But I still think it helped. His midterm average is 92.8.


One thing. You mentioned only taking 2 semesters. I just had this conversation with my middle son. He likes the Spanish teacher at the cc and she seems to be going at a reasonable pace. They are both going to take I, II, III and IV. I told him that although many degree plans in college require only 2 semesters of foreign language, some require 4. I would hate for him to only take 2 semesters and then try to start in Spanish III at Baylor or another 4 year college. To me that is a recipe for failure. My son saw the wisdom of this!!



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Hmmmmm, we are merely trying to satisfy the mandatory two years of same foreign language required here. It has been my understanding that one semester at cc will be looked at as one year of high school-hopefully that will work out for her.


She may do a third semester spring of her senior year. She has not had any spanish at all- so hopefully she will do well, perhaps she should add looking over some spanish now to give her a head start, but her other classes are heavy so I hesitate to do this.


Anyone have any recc. of what would be helpful and not too time consuming. Dd has extensive grammar skills and excels in english. She did Latin prep I and most of latin prep 2.



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Hmmmmm, we are merely trying to satisfy the mandatory two years of same foreign language required here. It has been my understanding that one semester at cc will be looked at as one year of high school-hopefully that will work out for her.


She may do a third semester spring of her senior year. She has not had any spanish at all- so hopefully she will do well, perhaps she should add looking over some spanish now to give her a head start, but her other classes are heavy so I hesitate to do this.


Anyone have any recc. of what would be helpful and not too time consuming. Dd has extensive grammar skills and excels in english. She did Latin prep I and most of latin prep 2.




Since she had Latin that will help a bunch. Also, what field is she looking at? I looked up my oldest's computer science degree plans. Some required 2 semesters some required 4. But hers may be very different. Look into degree plans.



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As to college grad requirements, dd#1's English BA req. the 3rd semester of college for. lang. Yep, if you hadn't had or couldn't test into 2nd yr FL, you needed to take all 3. Since she'd had 2 sem. @ our cc, she had to go into a different prof's system. Got one of her lowest grades in her whole degree.


My niece had the 4hrs of hs FL, but to graduate U needed a year of college level. She would have been better off taking 2-3 yrs in hs & then taking 1 yr @ the cc. Her hs transcript would have shown 5 yrs & she would have gotten the 1 yr for U graduation covered.


As to your original question, if your dd is going to an actual class (not on-line) she should do fine. dd#2 did not have any FL at home, & did well in her cc classes.

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Okay- so wait I wonder if she would be better off just taking a year of latin next year at home then- although I know some may not accept this- or has that changed??


Maybe I need to rethink if this is all in her best interest. She is looking at RN right now.:confused:



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