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Teachers Lodge 10-27-2011

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Welcome! It's Thursday and only 4 days until Halloween, but if you're going to go to some events this weekend, better finish up those costumes.


Today's Calendar lesson (for Jean): It's October 27, 2011. :D



Lunch/breakfast? McDs. No idea.


Where are you going today? Went to mechanic to get brakes replaced only for him to tell me they don't need to be replaced. Yay!


Weekend plans? Lots of options. Nothing definite yet.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning, Scrap on this fine THURSDAY 10/27/2011 morning!


Breakfast - 2 slices of bacon and an everything bagel thin. Water to wash it down.


Lunch - back to the salad with protein.


Going - Maybe nowhere. This week has been our first vacation week since school started. We ran around for 3 days but today we are going to do a crisis clean here at home. Depending on how that goes, we may go out for some crisis shopping for ds14 who just won't stop growing out of all of his clothes. I have Zumba tonight.


Weekend - Is it the weekend already? Wait. Didn't you say it was only THURSDAY? (Ie. I have no idea about the weekend.)

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Hooray for car repairs that don't have to be made!


Breakfast and lunch were disgustingly healthy because I am in the middle of a body overhaul right now. Things like spinach, oranges, avocados, lentils, flaxseed, etc. were involved. I'm not complaining because it's worth it.


Jean, I was in the store yesterday looking for some hard rolls and spotted your Thin Everything bagels. I should've gotten some - they look pretty good! Not sure why I passed them up, other than I was surprised they had holes in the middle so wouldn't have worked for what I had in mind. (Yes, I know. Bagels with holes. Go figure, eh?:lol:)


Not going anywhere, thankfully. We really do have an uncomplicated life around here with just the one child still at home. And that one child has a mean, wet cold right now so she is quarantined from the rest of the world until she gets past this snotty wet stage.


Weekend plans are all on hold (see above paragraph). When she comes around she has some Halloween invites and I will be happy to drive her around to where she needs to be. The only other plan I have is to curl up and cuddle with whoever wants to watch television with me.

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Welcome! It's Thursday and only 4 days until Halloween, but if you're going to go to some events this weekend, better finish up those costumes.


The UPS man better come soon. He's supposed to deliver part of dd4's costume...which we need for tomorrow (her dance class allows them to come in costume tomorrow).


Today's Calendar lesson (for Jean): It's October 27, 2011. :D

Yup..today is my dad's birthday (#60) and our dog's birthday (he's 2...or 14, depending on how you look at it).



Breakfast was waffles for the kids and a donut for me (bad, I know). Lunch was leftover jasmine rice, grilled pineapple and a 1/4 of a caribbean marinated chicken breast. That was for me...the kids made their own lunch!


Where are you going today?

I have to take dd14 to dance at 3:30pm. Then we're going to my grandparents' house for dinner to celebrate my dad's birthday.


Weekend plans?

Tomorrow is co-op day for dd14, dance class for my dd4 and wrapping up some schoolwork. DH and ds leave for a scout camping trip tomorrow evening. DD14 has a dance performance at a fall festival on Saturday and dd7 has her last soccer game. Then we'll be going to our church's fall festival/Trunk or treat. DD14 is going to a youth group bonfire afterwards. Sunday morning will be church services and Sunday School. We also have some church events on Sunday evening.

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Welcome! It's Thursday and only 4 days until Halloween, but if you're going to go to some events this weekend, better finish up those costumes.


Thankfully the costumes are finished. Oh wait, except for ds10. He was going to be Carter Kane, but just decided to be Percy Jackson. According to him all he needs is an orange tshirt with "Camp Half-Blood" on it and a ball-point pen. Easy enough. The girls are set which is good since they are wearing them at dance this afternoon.



Lunch/breakfast? McDs. No idea.


Hot chocolate for breakfast, lunch is still 30 minutes away. I wonder if I can justify a taco run.


Where are you going today?


My girls both have dance and ds8 has Cub Scouts. So I'll be frantically driving across town this afternoon trying to get everyone where they need to be on time.


Weekend plans?


My MIL is coming on Saturday to watch the girls while dh, both ds's and I hike down into the Grand Canyon. She's coming in at 5:30 which gives me the perfect excuse to skip the Trunk or Treat at church.

Talk to me! :bigear:


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Lunch/breakfast? Breakfast was Wheat Thins and chai. Lunch was mac and cheese.


Where are you going today? Today I am staying home and starting baking for the last market of the season and starting (and hopefully finishing) ds10's costume. DD14 is going out to a concert tonight... ssshhh. It's a surprise. A couple from our church found out that she's a HUGE Beatles fan so are taking her and dh to go see Rain (a Beatles revival band) tonight. She's going to love it!


Weekend plans? Last farmers' market of the season (with a cake walk, costume contests, and real life heroes and their equipment - including a Medivac Helicopter!) Then another costume party that night with international students from the university; we teach them to carve pumpkins, bob for apples, and roast marshmallows. It's one of our favorite events of the year.

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Lunch today was Hungarian goulash. It was delicious.


We went to swim... twice... as we always do on Thursdays, once for lesson and once for swim team practice. I was supposed to go grocery shopping, but DH is having pity on me and is doing it for me. I'm eternally grateful.


This weekend... I don't know yet. I'm *supposed* to be helping at DD's annual fall festival, BUT DH might be OOT. If DH is OOT, then I can't help because I can't volunteer and watch the kids at the same time and I'm not about to let them run riot for 30 minutes, let alone 3.5 hours. If he's in town, then he's taking the kids to visit my dad, stepmom, and stepsister while I volunteer. So it's all up in the air, which annoys me greatly. I hate not knowing!

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