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Rod and Staff Reading/Phonics 1


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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I have read some reviews and seen some samples.... would this work for a 4 1/2 yr old who knows his phonics and is reading CVC words? I see it is technically for grade 1 but....

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We love R&S here, but I wouldn't recommend it for that age, mainly because of all the writing involved. This becomes even more pronounced as a child progresses to the grade 2 books. To give you some perspective, R&S recommends that girls be 6 and boys 6 1/2 before starting the 1st grade work.

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I LOVE LOVE R&S phonics, but I wouldn't give it to a 4 yr old. Too thorough, too much writing, etc. It is great for learning the rules thoroughly. You don't need that much overkill for a little learning to read.


Pick it up later when he is older. Use something geared toward a 4 yr old now or do it informally.

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No way.


You should remember that in R&S's world, "first grade" means "children who had their 6th birthdays in July." That would mean that the Bible Nurture and Reading materials are *way* not age-appropriate for a 4½yo.


Besides, there are better things than R&S. I like R&S overall, but the first grade Bible Nurture and Reader materials are NOT on my *like* list. Technically, the *phonics* instruction is ok; it's the *reading* stuff that I don't care for (sight reading...ugh).


I say go to the library and let your little one check out books that look interesting, and let him have at it.

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I have been using it for reinforcement for my 5 1/2 year old son and 4 year old daughter and I am finding after just a few pages it is definitely too much for my daughter and she is the one that constantly wants to do more worksheets. My son is doing ok with some of the worksheet but when we get to where he has to write his letters he complains through each one.


We are just using the phonics workbook so if you added in everything (phonics workbook, reading workbook, worksheet, handwriting) it would be waaaay too much. As far as my kids it is too much writing with just the phonics workbook!


If you find something that you like pleeeease share!!! I think I own 5-7 phonics programs and can't figure out which method or which way works for us.:lol:

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