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Does anyone not like Elegant Essay?

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I've only heard great things about this course, but my son and I are not liking it at all. My son has had many years of IEW experience, so he's been taught how to write a basic essay, but the structure taught in this book is quite different. Also, the level of maturity seems to take a huge leap from the IEW materials we have previously used. I realize that a student needs to tackle tougher, more mature topics in high school, but in SWI-C the essay topic is "spoons" and in the Elegant Essay we have to re-write devotionals by Charles Spurgeon. Maybe it is just us, but this seems to be too big of a leap. My son isn't able to focus on the skill being taught because he is totally confused by the content of the topics being given as samples and exercises. Another thing I don't like about EE is that it is difficult for me to teach because the course is set up for co-op use. I've worked around this, but it certainly isn't homeschooler friendly. Anyway, I'm kind of just venting here and wanting someone to commiserate with. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I see the value in the skills being taught but we are just finding it too difficult to work with right now. Maybe I should have my son work through SICC-C and High School Essay Intensive first and then come back to Elegant Essay later. Thoughts?

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Yup. I can relate. I spend way too much time trying to decipher the teacher book. I just wish she would have a lesson laid out in irder. I flip back and forth within the teacher lesson plan and juggle the student book to see what she is talking about. I mutter to myself every week as I prep the next lesson.


I did love the lesson on types of evidence, though. We got a lot out of that. I am windering if we should pause and just work on a few more essays using various types of evidence, good transitions, and reasonable thesis statements. This is the only IEW product I have not been able to understand how to really use it well and adapt to us. Until I saw your post, I was convinced that I just can't teach writing beyond seventh grade. Now I am wondering if I should look elsewhere for help in teaching solid essay skills.


Commiseratingly yours,

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I spend way too much time trying to decipher the teacher book. I just wish she would have a lesson laid out in irder. I flip back and forth within the teacher lesson plan and juggle the student book to see what she is talking about.


This. I really like the program, and the skills being taught, but planning the lessons is needlessly difficult.

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Yup. I can relate. I spend way too much time trying to decipher the teacher book. I just wish she would have a lesson laid out in irder. I flip back and forth within the teacher lesson plan and juggle the student book to see what she is talking about.



Yes. This was me as well. I have brought our EE set out again several times, only to put them back away because it just seems to be such a pain to coordinate. I do like the material that is taught, which is the only reason I have not sent it back for a refund. I just can't seem to get past the lesson plans.


DD is actually using Put That in Writing Level 2 right now and she is doing well so far.

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I loved the content and concepts, but was really frustrated with the revised format. I had used it with dd a couple years ago when it was only one book, but was greatly disappointed with new edition. Not only that, if I remember correctly, I was also a little irritated because it would say something like, "Teach the student...", but then not explain how to teach it. I still use/d it, but it's more work.

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Yes. This was me as well. I have brought our EE set out again several times, only to put them back away because it just seems to be such a pain to coordinate. I do like the material that is taught, which is the only reason I have not sent it back for a refund. I just can't seem to get past the lesson plans.


DD is actually using Put That in Writing Level 2 right now and she is doing well so far.


Thanks for the link to "Put That in Writing". I actually have the updated EE on the way (I wasn't thrilled with the original), but for some reason I didn't realize that not much had changed. I'll return EE when it shows up. I'm excited - I looked at all the samples online and I love the look of PTiW. Since we're also using IEW's SICC-C, I think it'll be nice for the kids to have another style of learning essays. Thanks again!

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