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Humorless people.....

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....should stay off Facebook. Seriously. For ME - Facebook is a place to laugh and "like" my friend's photos. I like to post jokes and I like to read jokes. Why, oh why is there always someone who wants to pee on my parade? I have a handful of people on my friend list that have ZERO sense of humor and are offended by everything and everyone on the the planet. They are miserable people and they feel the need to spread the misery while letting everyone know how smart and superior they are to all the dumb people who say things they disagree with. These same people only have negative comments and have to make everything a controversy.


I don't like to unfriend people, but I might just have to. The alternative is closing my Facebook account but I am not sure I want to do that. Lord knows I'd get more laundry done if I did.:tongue_smilie:

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This whole thread offends me and anyone who doesn't agree with me is wrong. :glare:







That just about sums it up!


Laurie and Kiana- thanks - I like that idea! I also realized I can just hide them, but that won't keep them from replying to my posts will it?

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