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vent, buyers not showing up to see house

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I just feel like venting today. Yesterday, as I was driving dd to com. college I get a call at 10:20 from our realtor that another realtor wants to show our house at 11:00. Well, any other day that would be okay but dh had not got home until 4:30 am, he was the only one home and he was upstairs sleeping with the bedroom door closed and the ac on so would not have been able to hear the phone downstairs so the potential buyers would have been walking in on him. I asked our realtor's office if the clients could wait until 1 pm or even noon, She said she would call the other realtor and set it up for 1 pm and call me back if that was a problem. Well dh got up at noon to my message on the answering machine. He made our bed and threw some of the cats outside and cleaned all the litter boxes and the people never showed up. I know it is not the end of the world but it is the only time I have changed a time that a buyer wants to see the house, yeck I have even shown the house with only 15 min. notice. We live in a resort town so understand that 24 hour notice to show is not always possible. And any other day, realtors could basically come at any time just not yesterday. I am telling myself that the people must not have been that interested if they did not show up or if they are interested they will come another time. Just venting, I will probably get over it soon lol.

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Sometimes it is just hard to get back to that neighborhood, especially if buyers have seen something else they liked. Looking at homes can be exhausting.


I'm sorry it worked out that way. Perhaps your agent could call theirs and invite them to come back.

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Guest IdahoMtnMom

Many times, I had clients fall in love with a house before we were done looking and write up an offer ASAP. Other times, we would drive by a house and the clients would not like the outside or neighborhood for whatever reason, and would actually say they didn't want to stop. The showing realtor SHOULD have informed your realtor that they chose not to see your house... and why. That IS common courtesy.

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The thing that killed me was when my husband was away, after I had cleaned up the house and yard, got my baby and three dogs packed up, and went for a long drive (because there was no where for me to go with them in the middle of the boonies), I found out from my realtor that the couple didn't want to buy a house at all - they just liked looking at houses for fun.



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Bluegoat, that is horrible. I actually hate looking at houses so much that before I will make an appt. to look at a house, I have researched it online, looked at pictures online and since we only want to move about 15 to 20 min. away I even drive by the house and check it out and the neighborhood because I hate to waste my time looking at houses I would not absolutely want to buy. I assumed most people looking were that way but guess I was wrong lol. Dh hates looking at houses more than me and will only go if I find the house that I really want to buy.

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We're house shopping right now and I wouldn't do that to you, having been on that side of the deal as well.


I do get frustrated with realtors that take misleading pictures and then you arrive at the property and it's not at all as it was represented. I'm constantly google-earthing our potential places so I can tell if it's right off the highway even though it's not shown in the pictures. Or in a flood plain. Or next to the county dump! Such a time waster to not be up front about things like that.


Not saying your house is but maybe the buyers had something that they were firm about and you place didn't fit the bill and they didn't know it until later. Or they bought the house they looked at before yours!


It's a hassle for you, I know...firedrill time!

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Yep, your realtor needs to follow up with the showing realtor to find out why they didn't show. As the others have mentioned, we have to plan our routes, expecially when showing many houses in one day. A change of a couple of hours, might just put us on the wrong side of town to get back. BUT, the realtor should have communicated that to your realtor. If these people are truly interested, they will rechedule.

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guess what, the people that were supposed to show up yesterday at 1 pm showed up today unannouned at 1 pm It was a misunderstaning between the 2 realtors. THe house was still in decent shape from yesterday. We were just leaving as they showed up, it was a couple, both looked professional, as the husband was wearing a suit and the wife in a (what looked to me an expensive executive type dress). So here is hoping that they want a 2nd home/summer home here at the shore.

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