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What do you think (house/lease question)


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Guest IdahoMtnMom

We have been looking for a new house. No hurry, but when the right one pops up, we will take.


Last week, there was an ad in the paper for a lease-option, which is ideally what we want... and the location was also very deisrable and the price affordable. So I called and after two days of phone tag with the owner, we finally talked. I told her I would like to see it and she gave me the address and told me which door was unlocked and so on. So I told her I was heading out there in 30 minutes.


My mom and I got there and, as a precaution, I rang the bed. No answer but a large barking lab appeared and I was leary to let myelf in. We did go around the door that we were told would be open to peer inside and a car pulled up. A man, obviously drunk or on drugs of some sort, and a woman got out... and asked what the BLEEP we were doing. I told him I had talked to Caroyln (the owner) and she said to come over... Long story short.... she NEVER ASKED HER TENANT IF WE COULD ENTER THE HOME!!!!!!!!! I apologized right and left and hightailed it out of there, grateful not to have been gone in and been arrested for tresspassing!


I talked to the owner and she said ther were "issues" with the tenant which is why she was asking them to leave blah blah blah....


Bottom line... would you consider leasing (or taking a lease option) from a landlord who lets other people in your home with no warning? The house is perfect, the price is right... but I don't know... I think that is a huge issue potenitally.

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I don't think I would want to deal with someone like that.


1) She was dishonest in making it appear that the place was vacant.

2) How does she know which door is unlocked unless she's been there when no one is home?

3) She probably knows that there is a dog on the premises since she seems to know which door is unlocked. By not telling you she was putting you in danger.

4) And then she told you to enter the house knowing someone still lives there?


No thanks!

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I would have serious misgivings about dealing with her. Tell her to call you once the tenants are out, and that you won't discuss anythign until they are long gone. At that point, I might take a look, but only if it truly was the perfect house for me. Then you need to get a real estate attorney to draw up all the documents.

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