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Field Trips and Meltdowns

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We, my 13yo dd with Asperger's, my 7yo ds, and I met our homeschool group for a field trip today at the Musical Instrument Museum. It wasn't loud at all but was more walking than we had anticipated!


When we got home, I fed the kids lunch and had them take quiet times in separate rooms because I knew they would need to decompress. After dd's quiet time, she did math with her dad which went amazingly well. After that I had her read and then work on an essay. When it was time for revising the essay, the meltdown hit! :glare: She simply had to switch the essay from 1st person to 3rd person, a concept she does understand. And it was correcting it on the computer, no handwriting involved. Even that didn't stem the flow of, "I don't get it!" etc. :confused:


I finally sent her to MY room, where it's darker and told her to lay down and shut her eyes for 15 minutes. It's now been about a half an hour. When I went up there about 5 minutes ago and asked if she wanted to rest some more, she said, "Mmmhmm" with her eyes closed, blanket over her, and arm over her eyes.


Why does a 1 1/2 hour field trip have to throw off the rest of the day??

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I'm wondering if there is a full moon after my youngest threw water on my oldest tonight. The oldest - whose room contains a nice TV (birthday present) and other electronics - was stunned and shocked.


There is a front moving through and I notice my Aspie's are 'off' during changes of season. I hope that's it anyway. They are all more touchy than usual - any schedule change is setting them off.



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Why does a 1 1/2 hour field trip have to throw off the rest of the day??


Shoot, a half-hour phone call from an old friend blew my day to bits. Anything that creates a sensory or emotional disturbance sets off ripples that distort everything else for a while. (For the record, the friend had no upsetting news, she just wanted to talk.) Moreover, I know that it shouldn't be that way. And that makes me irritable and hair-trigger snappish. A major field trip would have had me declaring the rest of the day a wash.

Your daughter managed better than I would of done as an adult!

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