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forgot how to measure height of tree..need instructions

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I used to have simple instructions for measuring the height of large trees. I can't find my instruction sheet or the website. There was some sort of simple formula, but I can't remember. Can anyone tell me how to do this???


HS fall fun day in the park is Friday and I thought this would be a neat team activity for the older siblings who are being forced to attend what is really a kiddie event ;)

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A trig-free (but possibly inaccurate) solution:



Hold a ruler in front of you. Line the base of the ruler up to the base of the tree and back up until the top of the ruler is lined up with the top of the tree. Choose a landmark on the tree that lines up with the 1" mark on the ruler (or get someone to make a mark). Measure from ground to mark, multiply by 12.



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Measure your own height and measure the length of the shadow you make on the ground.

Measure the tree's shadow on the ground.


set up a proportion and solve


your height = H (tree's unknown height)

your shadow tree's shadow




For example - if your height was 40, your shadow 5, tree's height (unknown), and tree's shadow 10 then

40 = H

5... 1 0

cross multiply giving

40 x 10 = 5H


Divide both sides by 5

80=H that's the tree's height


Hope that makes sense,


Edited by Myra
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