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You said "I would never" but you did - ?- Just for fun

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I would never.........


Plug my baby with a pacifier. 2 of them were flat out addicted to their binky, to where I resorted to bribery to get them off it.


Oh yeah, I would never bribe my children to get them to behave.


Have more than 2 children. In fact I was so sure that I got my tubes tied after second dd was born. Ha! We've had 7 additions to our family after that!

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I said I would never marry or have kids. I would never spank (unfortunately I tried in once when nothing else seemed to work). I would never let my kid eat junk food. I would never get a credit card. I am sure there are others, I am not very self aware.

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I would never homeschool

I would never let my kids watch too much tv

I would never let my baby CIO

I would never breastfeeding past 1 year

I would never let my kids play with guns (although we have removed the guns at this point, they will be back soon or later.)


I was a much better mother before I had kids. :lol:

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I thought I'd never put my kids in a bunch of activities, have a nanny, homeschool, let them eat in the car, let them have too many toys:lol:, serve meals without fruits/veggies, give both kids a gift on one kid's birthday, accelerate my slower kid ahead of my gifted kid, let them eat candy every day, pick up after them when they could do it themselves, wipe a 4yo's butt . . . . Ha!

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When I moved from NH to FL 22 years ago, I said that I would never say "fixin to" or "y'all". Yeah, I have said both many times.:glare:




I'm a Yankee married to a born and bred in the deep country NC man. I SWORE that I would NEVER EVER say, "young'un" or "daggum" and a slew of other country-isms. I've held on for seven years now with only a few slip ups here and there, but no one warned me that I would pick up the ACCENT! lol So, even though I still "talk proper" most of the time, I SOUND like I've lived here my whole life....at least I do to all my friends and family up north! lol

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No one warned me that I would pick up the ACCENT! lol So, even though I still "talk proper" most of the time, I SOUND like I've lived here my whole life....at least I do to all my friends and family up north! lol


Ahh know! My family moved from urbanland to ruraland (only 60 miles away) and when I came back to urbanland for grad school 9 years later, I found myself arguing,


"Ah do not have an ayxseyent!"


I did hear it with my own ears. :lol:

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