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Pretty low maintenance. Wash and quarter some apples; cut out the core and seeds, but don't peel*. Cook them in enough water to cover; simmer until they're soft. Run them through a food mill. I don't sweeten or otherwise flavor mine, so that's that.


*If you don't have a food mill, you can mash with a potato masher or pulse in a food processor. In that case, you might want to remove the peel before cooking.

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I'm not a regular applesauce maker, but here's what I would do:


Peel and core the apples. (Some apples are better for applesauce than others; my grandmother liked Yellow Transparents, I think.) Chop them up a bit. Put in a big pot with a little water and cook on low or maybe med.-low, mashing occasionally and stirring to make sure they don't stick and burn. I don't add cinnamon or other spices or sugar. Cook until the sauce is a thickness you like and any chunks are cooked through. Freeze in whatever containers you have (not glass); or can the sauce, but I haven't done this.


HTH! Mmm, homemade applesauce sounds so good! I just read that the apple harvest this year is supposed to be a good one.

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I just peel and core, bake them in the oven or put them in the crockpot until they are soft, and puree them in the food processor. I used to do the food mill, but found that it was just as easy to peel and core them because I didn't have to mill them.


I don't usually add anything until I serve it, and then it's just a little sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg.


The apples make a difference. The applesauce needs no sweetener if you choose ripe sweet apples. I choose 2-3 varieties, usually a sweeter variety and a tarter variety because it makes a more flavorful sauce than a single variety.



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