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Pilates DVDs


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Note: I tend to prefer pretty basic mat routines. I'm not a huge fan of "fusion" workouts, though there are days when they appeal to me.


If you can find it, Pilates for Dummies. Really! It's got a beginner and an intermediate routine, and those'll keep you busy for a long time.


Others I like: the 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVDs, Hilary Burnett's Pilates Intermediate (after mastering Pilates for Dummies or another beginner routine), Pilates Weight Loss for Beginners (Brooke Siler), do more Pilates Standing, do more Pilates Mat Series.

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Thank you all. I just ordered two and am excited. I also added your suggestions to my wish list. :D


This is one of the ones I ordered. :) - based on your great review and someone else's on another forum.

The other one I ordered was this. My friend on another forum, who has LOTS and LOTS of fitness DVDs says that the one you suggested and this one are her all-time favorites. Both DVDs have very good reviews.




I'm excited and can't wait. :D


Now that I'm in my 40s, I realize the importance of regular pilates. :tongue_smilie:

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Glad you found something :)


I love the fluidity & gracefulness of pilates, but also how it really works you out- flexibility, strength, posture, muscle/spot control etc. Plus, its soooo relaxing- one of the few workouts that is relaxing. :)


To others looking for more pure pilates, Winsor pilates is fantastic, entry level start but you can do it for years (i've had my dvd's for 6 years).


On Netflix, I really like this pilates/yoga (fusion) workout- its challenging and a full body workout, but still the calming/repetitive aspect of pilates. :) http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Crunch_Super_SlimDown/70044451?trkid=2361638


I took a "Pilates on the Reformer" class, and fell in love and happily found a $100 aero-pilates reformer. ;) Basically, its pilates w/ resistance. Awesome!! http://www.amazon.com/Stamina-AeroPilates-Reformer-Free-Form-Rebounder/dp/B0012TP4PE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317419677&sr=8-1 Fantastic, fluid but a serious workout because of the resistance- plus my kids love the rebounder :)

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I love the fluidity & gracefulness of pilates, but also how it really works you out- flexibility, strength, posture, muscle/spot control etc. Plus, its soooo relaxing- one of the few workouts that is relaxing.

Larla, thank you for the encouragement. :)

Yes, these are all the things that appeal to me about pilates. I've always loved yoga for similar reasons. Been doing yoga since I was 14. I'd like to do a mix.

Right now, I'm trying to make a plan - how many times a week to do cardio, weights, pilates, yoga, swimming, walking, etc. If anyone has suggestions, please share. :D


To others looking for more pure pilates, Winsor pilates is fantastic, entry level start but you can do it for years (i've had my dvd's for 6 years).

Which Winsor ones are the best? There are so many? Which are your favorites? Guess I could look at the amazon ratings and reviews.


On Netflix, I really like this pilates/yoga (fusion) workout- its challenging and a full body workout, but still the calming/repetitive aspect of pilates. :) http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Crunch_Super_SlimDown/70044451?trkid=2361638

Couldn't view this - couldn't even access the link. No Netflix in this part of the world.


I took a "Pilates on the Reformer" class, and fell in love and happily found a $100 aero-pilates reformer. ;) Basically, its pilates w/ resistance. Awesome!! http://www.amazon.com/Stamina-AeroPilates-Reformer-Free-Form-Rebounder/dp/B0012TP4PE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317419677&sr=8-1 Fantastic, fluid but a serious workout because of the resistance- plus my kids love the rebounder :)

I've heard of these and would absolutely love one. The one on amazon is $900! Yikes ...

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