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My little guy is 2 today!

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My little guy turned 2 today! As I expected, the time has flown.


He's having a lovely day so far. First, I took him to Starbucks for his favorite treat--a cranberry-orange scone. (It's his favorite place, I promise! Getting a salted caramel mocha for myself was just a sacrifice I had to make. :D)


Next we went the the "tzoo-tzoo" store (a game/hobby store with a train table) and got him some child-safe scissors, a washable ink stamp pad, and new paintbrushes.


At home he stamped, stenciled, painted, and cut to his heart's content. Now he's watching Leapfrog Letter Factory while eating lunch.


What a great day when you're 2!


Here are a few pictures including some from his party over the weekend.


1. He's very impressed with his first scissor experience.

2. Daddy made him this real workbench that will grow with him.

3. Blowing out the traffic cone candles.

4. He jumped off the swing and ran to greet his first guest.

5. The cake I made.






Edited by AndyJoy
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