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The Teachers Lodge 9-28-2011

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Good morning!


It is Wednesday! And I'm not awake! But that's really not news. :tongue_smilie:


Opening up a bit early today, as I'm going to get my kids out the door by 10am (It's 9:30am here) and we're going to "do school" at the tea shop this morning. (Eternalknot, I'll be thinking of you! ;) )Need to get OUT of the house!


What's for lunch or breakfast today? Breakfast for me right now is coffee. Lunch? Again, no idea!


What do you see out your window right now? here I can look out two windows, one to the north and one to the west. Out of either one, I see other townhouses (can I move to Colorado, already ??) and either green shrubbery or a couple of trees (obviously not native since I live in the desert!).


What's one of the cutest or funniest things one of your kids has said to you this week? Yesterday, I was reading Understood Betsy to my son. She had to travel to her cousin's farm. She did not know her cousins and had been told all sorts of wrong things about them and didn't think she'd like it at all. As I was describing what the farm might look like to my ds7 he said, "How could she not have fun??" with a smile, his eyes wide, and arms spread wide. I thought it was so cute! I'd love to have that much space to live on right now!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Wednesday!


Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 blueberry waffle, blue agave syrup, water


Lunch - some variation on the salad with protein theme


Windows -


back sliding glass doors: Part of our new deck with a backdrop of a huge cedar tree.


front picture windows: Our big maple tree which might need to come down because the roots are starting to crack our foundation.


Cutest/Funniest saying: I have such a hard time coming up with these on the spur of the moment!

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Good Morning.


Breakfast was Greek yogurt with fruit and flax meal again since I didn't make my granola yet. Lunch will be salmon burgers made with the leftover salmon from last night plus some fruit.


My windows in my office are all on the south side of the house facing into the openspace. Out those windows I see my cedar, apple, and cottonwood trees. I also see in the openspace a lot of cottonwoods, aspen, and willows starting to turn golden. The sky is amaingly blue. It is good to be in Colorado.


I can't think of yesterday's cute, but right now, my girls are playing dragon. The little one is a dragon mom, and the bigger one is a human trying to steal dragon babies. They are very cute which is a good defense since they'll start school work as soon as they start bickering. I'm pretty certain that using schoolwork like this isn't good, but it is the best I can do on a Wednesday. That's my day that I'm still trying to work out a good routine.


Enjoy your change of scenery.

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Yoo halloo and tallyho! C'mon Friday!


Breakfast this morning was Grape-Nuts for me (which I managed to spill all over the floor) and granola bars for the kids. I think lunch is going to be whatever we can scrounge because the fridge is pretty empty.


If I look out my back window, I can see the mostly-dead crape myrtles that need to be cut back before the snow and ice hit. I can also see the horse and chickens. If I look out the front window, I can see the gopher hole that DD and I watched the gopher dig the other day. I can also see the empty birdbath and the hummingbird feeder that is becoming neglected as the seasons change.


I'm not good at cute on spur of the moment, either, but I do remember that DS had me rolling the other day. I just can't recall why.

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Good morning!


It is Wednesday! Today is my oldest dd's 14th birthday!


So far today, we've had a busy day! We got up early, wrapped birthday presents and decorated for dd1's birthday. After a special breakfast, we did some school, took her to Literature co-op, got a haircut for ds, went shopping for fall dress shoes and a belt for ds, and had lunch. Now we're back home and trying to get school done before the kids' activities this afternoon.


What's for lunch or breakfast today? Breakfast was cinnamon buns (for dd's birthday) and bacon. The three youngest had bagels for lunch while we were waiting for dd to be done at co-op. I bought Jimmy John subs for dd1 and I. However, when I got home, I found that they had given me someone else's sandwich...slathered in mustard....which is the most vile condiment, in my opinion.:rolleyes::thumbdown::sneaky2: I tried wiping it off and pretending it wasn't there, but just the very smell makes my stomach cringe. Luckily, dd's sandwich was made correctly. She was kind enough to give me two bites of hers :rolleyes:


What do you see out your window right now? From the kitchen, I can see our backyard...which desperately needs to be mowed!


What's one of the cutest or funniest things one of your kids has said to you this week? DD2 is a major animal lover. Yesterday, she told me "when I grow up and have a family, we're going to be vegetarians." I said, "Okay. You do realize that means that you won't be able to eat bacon or chicken or hamburgers, right?" She said, "Well, maybe we'll mostly be vegetarians. We'll eat like carnivores on certain occasions....like when we visit you!" :lol:

This afternoon, dd2, ds and dd3 all have church choir/drama practice. DD1 has dance .

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Lunch for us wound up being Sonic for the kids and the other half of my Kilauea burger from Islands (where we ate last night). Spent the morning at the tea shop doing puzzles with the kids. I think it's the most relaxed any of us have been in days. Now, I'm off to my one o'clock meeting and dd13 will be doing hands-on math with ds7 using Littlest Pet Shop toys! :D

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Breakfast was a green smoothie and iron tablet, as usual, plus half a bean burrito.


Lunch was way more fun! It was library day for us, and afterwards I surprised my girl by pulling into the A&W drive-in. We had root beer floats, naturally. Oh, and we each had part of our sandwiches: BLT for me, and chicken something for her. Talk about stuffed...


What I can see out my window right now: I'm on the 2nd floor and can see past my mulberry tree and weedy yard to some cut hay fields with lots of those big round bales of hay. A little while ago DD and I stopped working to watch the little white-haired neighbor boy learn how to ride his 2 wheeler up and down our dirt road with his daddy's help. It was adorable!


Cute and funny things said by my 13 yo child lately? Oh, it's been a good week for those -


While watching a commercial for a posh senior citizen retirement village, with several shots of white-haired grannies playing golf: "Mom! I don't care HOW MUCH that place costs, I am SO going to send you there when you get old! You're going to LOVE IT!" :001_huh::lol: (But...but...but...I'm not a golfer!)


While reading her instructions for SWB's Advanced Language Lessons: "Man, this lady thinks of EVERYTHING, doesn't she?" Then she got right to work without an explanation, but when I looked later I think DD was talking about Susan's reminder to use a pencil so that mistakes could be erased and corrected.


ETA: Happy Birthday to your 14 year old, Jenn!

Edited by BridgeTea
birthday girl
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