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If you ever used The Sentence Family ...

Jenny in GA

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I recently ordered The Sentence Family for my 8 year old who was completely not cut out to do FLL!


Well, she absolutely loves it. She said that it's favorite part of the school day. She loves the drawings, loves the stories, always wants to do do more.


Well, my "problem" is that she likes it so much, and is doing so well, that we will probably finish the book within about six weeks after we started it!


So ... what do we do next?


So, if you've enjoyed Sentence Family: How long did it take you to finish it, and was there a program that your child enjoyed going into next?


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We are just about to start Sentence Family this year. After we finish it, I am planning on reading through Grammar Land (also a story about the parts of grammar) with dd as a review. We will continue to analyze sentences that I will pick from things we are reading to diagram them and/or find the different members of the "family."


Once we have finished that we will move on to MCT Grammar Island which I have waiting on the shelf. Grammar Island seems to teach grammar in a way very similar to Sentence Family and Grammar Land, through story then practice.

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I recently ordered The Sentence Family for my 8 year old who was completely not cut out to do FLL!


Well, she absolutely loves it. She said that it's favorite part of the school day. She loves the drawings, loves the stories, always wants to do do more.


Well, my "problem" is that she likes it so much, and is doing so well, that we will probably finish the book within about six weeks after we started it!


So ... what do we do next?


So, if you've enjoyed Sentence Family: How long did it take you to finish it, and was there a program that your child enjoyed going into next?



We are just starting The Sentence Family and trying to take it slow. :lol: My ds is really enjoying it. We are reading Brian Cleary's books along with it. His website is fun too. We will also be applying the grammar concepts taught in each section of The Sentence Family to other subjects. For example, when we do our dictation sentences in AAS, I will have him underline the part of speech we are working on at that time.


The author of the Serendipity blog has a free program that would be similar to Sentence Family. She uses Ruth Heller's books in her Lively Language Lessons.


If you feel the need to add in something like worksheets, there are all kinds of free things out there. Here is an example of one through Scholastic.


Here are a few games/sites that could be fun to add in as well.


Grammar Blast

Wacky Web Tales

Road to Grammar

Sheppard Software

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Atozmom, thanks for the excellent links. I am giggling over a wacky web tale i just created.:lol:


We went through SF in about 10 weeks, but we did skip the diagramming. We have moved on to MCT Island this year. It was a smooth transition but dd is not feeling the love. I can't really put my finger on why she enjoyed SF but not MCT. Possibly because MCT's program doesn't have a "character" to connect with in Grammar Island like SF does. I'm not sure.:confused: We will continue to use MCT and I think it is a good follow-up to SF.

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