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OH MY GOSH!!! I'm speechless re: LOST!!! nt

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Its an interesting theory, very thought out. And just as valid as the next one. There's a lot of conjecture in it though. Many of the things the person uses as part of his theory have not at all been part of the show so far. The details just haven't been presented yet.

However, in general, a general idea of a time loop, and more than one timeline may very well be part of the story.


And like the guy said, to be read for entertainment purposes only. Which it was by me, I like reading theories for this show, there's some good ones out there. As well as some really off the wall ones, though those are kinda slowly petering out as the show moves along and more facts are presented.

Thanks for the link.


And did anyone else sign up for "more information" at the link Paula provided on pg 4 of this thread: http://www.octagonglobalrecruiting.com/ ??

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However, in general, a general idea of a time loop, and more than one timeline may very well be part of the story.


I agree! Did anyone else notice that Ben said that The Orchid was for moving time AND space? When I watched it, I was just thinking it was moved in space, but reading that Time Loop theory, it looks like it might have moved in time, too! I can't wait for more of this to play out!

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Didn't Ben mention that the island had been moved before? And if so, could it be possible that Widmore was once on the island (a leader?) and that HE moved the island and has been trying to find it ever since? Widmore and Ben both seem very possessive of the island... so does Locke.


And when Locke was told to move the island, it was Christian that told him, not Jacob. Ben just assumed that Locke spoke w/ Jacob. Maybe Christian did it to trick Ben off the island and have John who seems less ruthless in his efforts to protect the island become the leader of the "others". Is Christian working for/with Widmore?


I loved these thoughts about Widmore having been there once before and moving it and now looking for it. But it makes me wonder about Penny and Desmond then - like perhaps it wasn't an accident that Desmond was there after all. Surely it is no accident that he is involved with the Widmores....


Also, in regards to Locke...if Ben put him "in charge" of the island, or at least "The Others", then isn't it possible that he has been informed of how to leave the island? Ben has left the island many times as leader - remember that in his closet he had that secret room full of passports and other paraphanalia for using different names and whatnot. He knew the exact path to stay on to find the island, he used the submarine etc...so apparently you can leave the island and come back *unless* you move the island. Therefore, it makes me think that Locke isn't really dead. I think he is using another name and has staged his death like Ben has undoubtedly done as well. I'm sure the Others clued John in to how to do this since Ben told him the Other would accept him and tell him everything he wanted to know.


Which leads me to Richard. We have to remember too, that Richard, who doesn't age for some reason, came to Locke when he was a little boy. Locke was chosen since he was a child to be on the island. I really don't think he's dead at all. It's totally staged, and Ben knows it. I think the "we have to bring him with us" doesn't mean Locke is dead at all.


So does anyone know when the next season starts? Are they going to wait until January of 2009 again, or start up in the fall?

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I loved these thoughts about Widmore having been there once before and moving it and now looking for it. But it makes me wonder about Penny and Desmond then - like perhaps it wasn't an accident that Desmond was there after all. Surely it is no accident that he is involved with the Widmores....




Desmond being on the island was no accident. Remember, Libby let him use her sailboat. I still think Libby was a "mole" and working for Widmore. Whether that plot line will ever get played out who knows? IMO, the sailboat was rigged to crash on the island. Widmore wanted him out of Penny's life.

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I- like perhaps it wasn't an accident that Desmond was there after all.

So does anyone know when the next season starts? Are they going to wait until January of 2009 again, or start up in the fall?

Oh yes, it will be January....its a sad sad thing... :crying: How will we handle the withdrawal??????

And I kinda have my suspicions about Des being on that island as well. We don't know much of anything about Libby, except she was in the same mental institution as Hurley, she's shown up in several others' flashbacks, and she's the one who gave Des the boat, so he could sail around the world and prove himself to Widmore, who went from being aggressively tryinig to keep Des and Penny apart...to easily and willingly giving Desmond Penny's number....did he have plans to remove Desmond already so it didn't matter if they got in touch? IDK, it just seemed odd that he was not only unconcerned that Des wanted to re-connect with Penny, but he actually helped him. HMMMMMM, my radars went off.

But we'll see. Connections connections everywhere...but which ones are important and what do they mean?????

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I still think Libby was a "mole" and working for Widmore.


So you think Libby gave Desmond the boat for Widmore? Do you also think she was on the airplane as a "mole"?


So then are you thinking that she was also planted in the mental institution with Hurley?


I really don't want to believe that theory. I like Libby too much. :D

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Oh yes, it will be January....its a sad sad thing... :crying: How will we handle the withdrawal??????


By making this the longest thread in Hive Mind History? :cheers2:



And I kinda have my suspicions about Des being on that island as well.


Okay, spill it sista! We know his life was engineered to some degree by the monk who was in the picture with the antique store woman. What else are you thinking?



...Widmore, who went from being aggressively tryinig to keep Des and Penny apart...to easily and willingly giving Desmond Penny's number....did he have plans to remove Desmond already so it didn't matter if they got in touch? IDK, it just seemed odd that he was not only unconcerned that Des wanted to re-connect with Penny, but he actually helped him. HMMMMMM, my radars went off.



Didn't that happen right after the auction? Could that have had anything to do with it? That he was trying to get Desmond out of there? Of course, he could have given a fake number just as easily. But at that point Penny was pretty mad at Desmond, right? And about to marry? So maybe Widmore figured he didn't have a chance?


Yeah. Who knows. And you know, I can wait until January for the next season, but I really want this season's DVD's out NOW! For previous seasons I recorded all the episodes on my dvr and then burned them to DVD. But we don't have cable any more so I couldn't do that. I really want to rewatch this whole season, but not pay whatever the price is for iTunes or whatever. Hmmm. Are all the episodes still up at ABC.com I wonder??? I might need to go check that out.

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So you think Libby gave Desmond the boat for Widmore? Do you also think she was on the airplane as a "mole"?


So then are you thinking that she was also planted in the mental institution with Hurley?


I really don't want to believe that theory. I like Libby too much. :D


The fact she was in so many places is just too coincidental. The only other idea is that she might be working for the same dude Naomi was, I forget his name. But as far as we know he didn't have a reason to manipulate Desmond.


On another note, I hate to think that Jin is gone for good, however since Daniel Dae Kim was "arrested in Honolulu on October 25, 2007 for allegedly driving drunk"*, I think its safe to assume he is gone. That has been the kiss of death of the other actors on show. I had forgotten about that until now.


*per imdb.com

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So you think Libby gave Desmond the boat for Widmore? Do you also think she was on the airplane as a "mole"?


So then are you thinking that she was also planted in the mental institution with Hurley?


I really don't want to believe that theory. I like Libby too much. :D


I'm not elegantlion, but she and I posted similarly, so mind if I take a stab too?


I think its possible that Libby gave Des the boat from Widmore. And as it is LOST, I try not to speak in too certain terms. :P

If she was on the plane, and she was a mole, then it could only mean that the crash was deliberate and planned (by someone) which is not something I'm totallly convinced of....again no certainty talk here. :D

And also the problem with this theory is that Desmond accidently crashed their plane, there's no way that could've been predicted by anyone, so at the moment it looks like the crash was unintended so therefore no way Libby could've been a mole....unless she wasn't on the plane but somehow insinuated herself into the survivors a la Ethan and Goodwin.

But again, that just makes it too complicated....another group on the island??? Because Libby wasn't an Other. AND she couldn't be on the island from Widmore because Widmore didn't know where the island was.


Ok, I just effectively talked myself out of that theory.



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The fact she was in so many places is just too coincidental. The only other idea is that she might be working for the same dude Naomi was, I forget his name. But as far as we know he didn't have a reason to manipulate Desmond.




So what are some of you guys's theories about these somewhat minor characters who keep showing up in flashbacks like Nadia and Libby? Is it a Fate thing, or Widmore? Or the Others? Or do the producers just like the actors so they keep bringing them on?

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By making this the longest thread in Hive Mind History? :cheers2:





Okay, spill it sista! We know his life was engineered to some degree by the monk who was in the picture with the antique store woman. What else are you thinking?





Didn't that happen right after the auction? Could that have had anything to do with it? That he was trying to get Desmond out of there? Of course, he could have given a fake number just as easily. But at that point Penny was pretty mad at Desmond, right? And about to marry? So maybe Widmore figured he didn't have a chance?


Yeah. Who knows. And you know, I can wait until January for the next season, but I really want this season's DVD's out NOW! For previous seasons I recorded all the episodes on my dvr and then burned them to DVD. But we don't have cable any more so I couldn't do that. I really want to rewatch this whole season, but not pay whatever the price is for iTunes or whatever. Hmmm. Are all the episodes still up at ABC.com I wonder??? I might need to go check that out.


Monk who was in the picture with the antique store woman....I remember her...but I don't remember any monks except the ones Des lived and studied with for awhile....what have I missed?? Do enlighten!


I buy the **** seasons on DVD. Thats just all there is to that.


I would think that as much as Widmore disliked Desmond, enough to sacrifice his own daughter's happiness, that he wouldn't be willing to help them connect again if there were the least possibility that she would go back to him. He was very cavalier about it, threw the number at Desmond, which was the RIGHT number. It doesn't fit, unless he knew something, knew that it didn't matter if Des called her.


And yeah, I keep seeing this thread re-awakened..... :) we can't let goooooooooooo :)

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Monk who was in the picture with the antique store woman....I remember her...but I don't remember any monks except the ones Des lived and studied with for awhile....what have I missed?? Do enlighten!


Yeah, the monk at the monastery where Desmond stayed. Once when Desmond was in his office it showed a picture of the monk with the woman from the antique store. And they were standing in front of the walkway where Desmond first found Faraday. Although that may have been just a setting coincidence. But again, this is LOSt.



I buy the **** seasons on DVD. Thats just all there is to that.


Yeah, me too. I just have this sinking suspicion they won't come out until close to xmas time again. That's TOO long to wait!


And ya know? I was doing okay with the idea of not getting the next season until January. But then I went to your blog and noticed the LOST counter that says 243 days until the next LOST. That's just wrong! (And obviously I haven't been to my own blog lately. :tongue_smilie:) There's something emotionally defeating about seeing that huge of a number on our sweet little counter. :crying:

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The minor characters....hmmmm. In real life, there's no way this many coincidences could ever happen. Ever. Too many connections.


I don't think its Widmore, because I don't think he or anyone could possibly manipulate that many people in that many places for that many years. If you're talking all the minor characters that have re-appeared.


I would have to go with it being more of a fate thing, this just happened, there are these connections between all these people, many of which they are not even aware of. Maybe its got something to do with who ended up on the island, out of the all the worldwide possibilities, but I can't really articulate anything much beyond that.



And thats a bummer about Daniel Dae Kim getting a DUI, I did not know that. If thats not the kiss of death I don't know what is.

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Monk who was in the picture with the antique store woman....I remember her...but I don't remember any monks except the ones Des lived and studied with for awhile....what have I missed?? Do enlighten!


I buy the **** seasons on DVD. Thats just all there is to that.


I would think that as much as Widmore disliked Desmond, enough to sacrifice his own daughter's happiness, that he wouldn't be willing to help them connect again if there were the least possibility that she would go back to him. He was very cavalier about it, threw the number at Desmond, which was the RIGHT number. It doesn't fit, unless he knew something, knew that it didn't matter if Des called her.


And yeah, I keep seeing this thread re-awakened..... :) we can't let goooooooooooo :)


So how long had the deal between Ben and Widmore been going on? I'm tired, but wasn't there talk during the first season about this being like a game of chess? Maybe Ben's job was to keep Desmond in that bunker pressing the numers for all of eternity? Maybe that's why he didn't care about giving out Penny's whereabouts. He figured Desi would be off on a deserted island for the rest of his life and it wouldn't matter.


Okay, my benadryl is kicking in and my brain is mush. I'm going to :chillpill:

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Yeah, the monk at the monastery where Desmond stayed. Once when Desmond was in his office it showed a picture of the monk with the woman from the antique store. And they were standing in front of the walkway where Desmond first found Faraday. Although that may have been just a setting coincidence. But again, this is LOSt.




I love finding out new little clues...

That connects Faraday, Desmond, the monks and the lady time cop. LOST easter egg or actual clue....hmmmmmmm


And I don't even want to talk about the number of days. You KNOW the DVDs will come out around xmas.

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Dang, I'm just going to have to buy the DVD's now and rewatch them. I have season 1. (It's not an addiction, really I can quit anytime). Wouldn't the writers love this thread.


Pffft, I have all the seasons, I re-watch them in order during the hiatuses, I have this season's finale on tape so I can view it several more times, I visit the Lost-tv forums, and I cannot quit. I'm Sheralyn and I'm a lostaholic......


so who's next??? you know the first step is admitting it!!!



BTW, I'm just funnin, Paula. And, I'm pretty sure the writers do read the threads at that forum I mentioned above. If you ever go there, and read a lot, you'll see it.

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so who's next??? you know the first step is admitting it!!!




There have only been three tv series that I have ever laid down the cash to own on DVD: Buffy, Firefly, and LOST. They are the only shows I can watch over and over and over and enjoy a little more every time. :lurk5:

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My three fave shows EVER would probably be Northern Exposure, Arrested Development....and ummmmm....lets see, I know there was another one I was thinking of....hmmmmmmm??? Show with a plane crash or something......island....maybe I will think of it later. :P

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I didn't start Northern Exposure from the beginning, which is the only way I like to watch a series. I think I would like that one, though. Maybe I should do the Blockbuster thing. I don't even know anything about Arrested Development. Don't hate me.

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Hate you? LOL....NO ONE knows about Arrested Development. It lasted 3 seasons, each one shorter than the last. The critics really loved it, the public never caught on. It was funny, smart, off-beat, and had a lot of inside jokes. I own that one full series on DVD.


I don't even know if Northern Exposure is on DVD, I've never checked.


I'm kinda the same way with Bufffy though, I didn't realise it was a good show until after it started. I just thought it was going to be silly, so I never watched it. As in I honestly have never seen one single episode of this show, even though many people I know and respect the opinions of, really liked it.

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