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Seeking OPinions on Stretching out 6th grade two years

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My dd is a good student but lately I am thinking I'd like to stretch out the year over two years. Going with the philosophy that she'll be more mature upon graduation and have an extra year to learn things. I am thinking about doing the same with my ds.


Both would be 18 right after graduation if I don't make the change and 19 if I do.


I want them to be as mature as possible for college and I'd like to give them an academic boost before they have to take SATs and ACTs.


Do you know if colleges penalize the older student? would they be less likely to get a scholarship? We would be careful not to call this holding back but an opportunity to go deeper into subject matter. ANy suggestions for presenting this idea in the best most convinving way?

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Have you read Outliers by chance ?


It is a very good book by Malcom Gladwell and I highly recommend it !


I just finished it and he talks about the age of children starting school and how it is better for the child to be a bit older than starting them earlier. It gives them a much better advantage over the other students to let them be a bit older and more mature.


It was quite an interesting read and I am now going to keep my son who is 8 years old in third grade this year instead of putting him in fourth grade like I had originally planned to do. He was a year ahead since I started him schooling early. . If I kept him in 4th grade he would graduate at only 17 and I decided that was too young for him after reading the book.

Edited by Momma2Many66
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His birthday is late in Sept and around here that would put him in 6th grade this year. I had started him a year sooner. I can tell he needs more time. He struggles with the abstract and making connections. Most of his books still say 7th. His science, social studies, and English are 7th. He's doing LOF plus Khan Academy for math and for reading we're using BJ grade 6. I think the English may get too hard, if it does I will spread it out.


Next year we will switch math and social studies programs, maybe, maybe not. I'm very happy with Rod and Staff and he is not ready for the more independent work that my girls have done.

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There are some compelling reasons for a child being older in grade levels. But changing the plan in upper grade levels can be difficult unless the child is behind the decision. There is quite a stigma attached to not moving on to the next grade even if one explains the reasons and advantages of a second year in the same grade level. There is a stigma of failure, even though that is not the reason. So for a 6th grader to stay in 6th grade again could be difficult. But, if your dc is fully invested in the decision and understands the reasons, it could work well and achieve your goals.


I doubt a college will care how old your dc are when they graduate from high school. They look at the transcript and standardized test scores, not age. Most scholarships are based on financial need and/or merit, and your dc could still get them because they would most likely go to college soon after graduating from high school.

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We are stretching 6th grade out over two years (doing the first of those two years now).


My daughter is a good student but was the youngest in her class when she first started school (she was in public school for K through most of third grade before we pulled her out to start homeschooling instead) and after a couple of years of homeschooling, I can't help thinking that:


1. She'd be more independent with and get more out of some of the research and reading and writing topics she's expected to do if she had that extra year of age and maturity. I feel this will be even more the case as we go further into "middle school" years and then high school years.


2. She'd be better off being a bit older and more mature when she graduates so that she'll be best prepared for whatever it is that will come next in her life.


3. Childhood doesn't need to be rushed.


So, we made our decision and we're going with it.

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