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What do you expect in terms of customer service?

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I ordered something two weeks ago, didn't hear a word and emailed the owner, he replied and told me that it hadn't gone out yet, but he's hoping tommorrow and will let me know. No explanation of why it hasn't gone out yet or why he is only hoping. They have already charged my account. This annoys me, but I've been spoiled by other companies and don't know if I have unreasonable expectations?

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Sigh. I wasn't going to post, and then decided to.


Yes, definitely - the owner should have given you a better explanation. In the grand scheme of things, I'm on your side! Yikes!


But I have a unique perspective, one of BOTH customer AND small homeschool business owner. This gives me some ideas for some possible reasons for the delay.


First of all, my books are still printed "on demand." Meaning that when the customer orders, for the most part, the order is processed by the printing company - they do charge the customers' credit card right away, and then enter the order into their printing process waiting line, or whatever it is called. Within two weeks, usually sooner than that, the books are printed and shipped out to the customer. The customer is usually well aware that they are ordering from this printing company because their name is all over the shopping cart, the printing company, I think, does a good job of explaining the time line in the process, and if the customers ever e-mail me to ask any questions about the ordering process, I make sure they understand how it is done. IF this is the reason that your order has not been shipped out yet, there is no question that the business owner should have made that clear to you in his e-mail.


But another thing to consider is that this is convention season. Many homeschool businesses are actually on the road right now, and extremely busy. So that could simply explain the delay in filling your order, and possibly the shortness of his answer to you.


Again, I'm on your side! You should have had a better explanation as to the delay, no question, and perhaps this business needs another staff person or two during convention season. Who knows. But I hope I gave you another way to think about the whole issue :001_smile:.

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Sigh. I wasn't going to post, and then decided to.


Yes, definitely - the owner should have given you a better explanation. In the grand scheme of things, I'm on your side! Yikes!


But I have a unique perspective, one of BOTH customer AND small homeschool business owner. This gives me some ideas for some possible reasons for the delay.


First of all, my books are still printed "on demand." Meaning that when the customer orders, for the most part, the order is processed by the printing company - they do charge the customers' credit card right away, and then enter the order into their printing process waiting line, or whatever it is called. Within two weeks, usually sooner than that, the books are printed and shipped out to the customer. The customer is usually well aware that they are ordering from this printing company because their name is all over the shopping cart, the printing company, I think, does a good job of explaining the time line in the process, and if the customers ever e-mail me to ask any questions about the ordering process, I make sure they understand how it is done. IF this is the reason that your order has not been shipped out yet, there is no question that the business owner should have made that clear to you in his e-mail.


But another thing to consider is that this is convention season. Many homeschool businesses are actually on the road right now, and extremely busy. So that could simply explain the delay in filling your order, and possibly the shortness of his answer to you.


Again, I'm on your side! You should have had a better explanation as to the delay, no question, and perhaps this business needs another staff person or two during convention season. Who knows. But I hope I gave you another way to think about the whole issue :001_smile:.


Thanks for sharing that, I do appreciate hearing another perspective.

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I can understand both sides of the coin-customer service could have been better, and it is a busy time of year. Perhaps speaking with the customer service people, after you have gotten your books, and letting them know you understand it is a busy season, but you would appreciate a heads up next time.


Nice run on sentence! LOL

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I ordered something two weeks ago, didn't hear a word and emailed the owner, he replied and told me that it hadn't gone out yet, but he's hoping tommorrow and will let me know. No explanation of why it hasn't gone out yet or why he is only hoping. They have already charged my account. This annoys me, but I've been spoiled by other companies and don't know if I have unreasonable expectations?



Ya know.. I feel for you. I ordered a bunch of things from the Happy scribe folks back in Feb... I called many times, spoke w/ the owner... emailed many times... still nothing! I'm disgusted.... and that takes a lot for me to get to this point...


If we pay for a product, we should expect to ship in a timely manner... but this is a time of year many people are buying and it can slow things down a bit.


best wishes!

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I can understand both sides of the coin-customer service could have been better, and it is a busy time of year. Perhaps speaking with the customer service people, after you have gotten your books, and letting them know you understand it is a busy season, but you would appreciate a heads up next time.


Nice run on sentence! LOL



woops... great minds think a like.... I thought this too...

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