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How much should I be reading to my 2 month old twins?


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I read to my infants, BUT they only get to hear the novels or books I am otherwise reading either my own or books I am reading to the older kids. There is plenty of time for then never ending recitations of Spot books.


I also don't worry about how much reading at this age, holding and getting to know each other are more important.

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I highly recommend reading The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. He has some great stories about reading to infants and great advice too.





With anything that you do, you will be way ahead of most of the rest of us. When my kids were that age, I was recovering from C-sections and still pretty hormonal.

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I read Einstein's Theory of Relativity to my oldest when he was an infant. It put him straight to sleep. :lol:


Talking, singing, and cuddling all take priority over reading IMO. But honestly do what makes you, and them, happiest.


Congrats on the babies!

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Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! I will keep reading from their book shelf at night (I LOVE children's books, and since my husband and I do the routine together I love that he gets to hear all my favorites too) and add more talking (gotta get better at one ended conversations) and I will add more singing too. I have read Jim Trelease's book, last year...but perhaps I will reread it. I loved it.


I probably won't really have a lot of questions until my kids get older but I may pop in if something pops into my head before then. I hope this board is still here when I need it in a few years.



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Reading to a baby is going to end up being only little bits of the day- a few minutes here, a few minutes there, it certainly won't preclude cuddling, singing, talking, going outside, etc. I remember when I had a young baby and no other kids or adults around all day, I really counted on things like reading to baby to break up my day. We had our routine with feedings, taking walks, running errands, playing, reading, etc, because it can be kind of lonely and boring with an infant and not much adult contact all day.


So I completely agree with those who said read away if you enjoy it, don't worry about it right now if you don't. Definitely don't let it become a chore or an obligation, but there's nothing wrong with reading to babies, and some benefits, if you do. With my own babies, some were read to earlier or more often than others, but it didn't really seem to change the outcome of their own reading skills or anything like that. (I think it would have had an impact if I hadn't been reading to them by preschool age though). It did however, create some nice memories and a routine for us.

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Speaking as a twin mom as well... Don't worry about it. SLEEP and EAT. :lol:


Don't flame me, I am joking... sort of. :D


Just read when you can. Right now it probably seems funny, but as they get older, they will show interest and it will "feel" worth the time. Hang in there. twinners are a lot of work!! :)

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Speaking as a twin mom as well... Don't worry about it. SLEEP and EAT. :lol:


Don't flame me, I am joking... sort of. :D


Just read when you can. Right now it probably seems funny, but as they get older, they will show interest and it will "feel" worth the time. Hang in there. twinners are a lot of work!! :)


As a Mom of twins, :iagree:.


I read a lot of poetry to all three of mine as infants when I was feeding them. I read Shel Silverstein and other children's book of poetry or I sang to them. I found the rythym of poetry soothing for all of us. It was as much for me as it was for them. I also read whatever I was reading out loud to them. They heard a lot of parenting books.:001_smile:

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