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National Mythology Exam

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My daughter enjoys taking it, and started taking it in 3rd grade. We just do it for fun. :D It's definitely not in the "need" category, and there's no long term benefit.


I saw the information through ACL, showed it to her and she thought it was a neat idea, and wanted to take it as a challenge. She did very well, got a medal and a certificate, and was very proud of herself. As a homeschooler, they'll send the exam directly to you and allow you to administer it.


We didn't have time to do it this year, though I suspect we'll do it again next year. My younger daughter really wants to take the exam also. Again, it's just for fun! :)


Here's the website - http://www.etclassics.org/

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I ran across someone saying that their homeschooler takes the exam this year- So i just googled it! But I am still wondering what the long term benefit of this would be!


Here's the link for the National Mythology Exam:



It is sponsored by Excellence Through Classics (ETC) which is a committee of the American Classical League, which promotes study of the Classics, Latin and Greek in the United States. The main focus is on Greek and Roman Mythology but there are also subtests which can focus more in depth on Greek and Roman Epic OR African, Native American, or Norse Mythology. (Everyone takes a subtest but you can choose your focus.)


I think ETC is mainly trying to promote the study of mythology and the Classics and to encourage literacy. Knowing Greek and Roman mythology will certainly enhance the understanding of a great deal of the great books of Western literature written in English and other languages. (I'm thinking of Shakespeare, Dante, Milton, Keats, Longfellow, Tennyson.) Like the previous poster says, it's not a "need to take" type of exam, but it's intended to be fun and educational, and you can always look at it as a low pressure "practice" for taking exams.

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Oh this is great :>) My oldest wants to give it a try . My girls love Roman and Greek Mythology .

But I see there is a deadline to register ????? Or can you register for this at any time ?


The deadline is usually sometime in January or early February, and the test is administered in Feb and March. In the fall, (Oct/Nov, as I recall), the application becomes available for the current test. I tend to leave it until the last minute and fax it in the week before the deadline. :blushing:

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I don't know that one would "need" it for any particular reason. Like the National Latin exam, it's just something that some folks do if they happen to have a keen interest in that particular subject. It's just another little feather to stick in their caps that demonstrate that Mom is not just giving them a grade for something out of the goodness of her heart, but others agree that they've done well in that subject....

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