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My 4th grader can't spell at all


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I've always been a big fan of natural spelling--we usually do lots of copywork and dictation. For two of my children this has been fine, they're pretty good spellers. Ds is another story. He's just now becoming fairly fluent with reading and his spelling is awful. I think he might need something a bit more structured. We tried AAS a while back and it wasn't a great fit. What else is out there? I've never really researched spelling programs before.



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TWTM strongly recommends Spelling Workout. We've used it and it was a great help, but if I had a struggling speller as young as your child I would be very tempted to look at Spell to Write and Read (SWR). I heard Wanda Sanseri, the author, speak at a hs conference this summer and was very, very impressed at how she teaches spelling. I almost wished I could take my dd back a few years to start over!


Another aid in learning better spelling is a straight phonics program, and it's not too late for you to add that in. I am using Phonics Pathways with my 12 yo dd for the first few months this year as a remedial tool because she struggles with spelling. PP is another highly recommended LA supplement, and got rave reviews by Jessie Wise.


Any of these would be very helpful, but I have to say that if it were me, I believe I'd be looking at SWR. It's even on Cathy Duffy's Top 100 list.




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SWR is the most intensive, rule-based program. If spelling is a real problem, it will fix it, but it is a time-consuming option, for both parent and student. It has absolutely saved my son who mapped the wrong sounds to the letters because of a speech impediment.


Ruth in NZ

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Both of my kiddos read several grade levels above, and are abysmal spellers. For DS10 we use Megawords, and are starting to see results from it. For DD9 (diagnosed with dysgraphia and poor short term memory) we use Apples and Pears. She is doing better after a year of this, but will never spell well. I imagine a child without learning difficulties would make great strides with either of these programs.

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