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How do you schedule Singapore Math and all the extras?


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DD has been using Singapore since 2A. So far we only did the textbook and workbook.


She is now doing 3A and I have also bought the tests this year, plus CWP 2 and IP3A.


I pretty much follow the HIG schedule for the TB, WB tests. We do the textbook work together, then she does the workbook work on her own. I also make my own worksheets if I feel she needs more practice. I also have her do math facts, not on a daily basis though.


So how does IP and CWP fit in? We just got them, so we are at the beginning.


How you schedule this? Do you do a page daily? Do you do both books daily or do you alternate?


I really wish I had a schedule to follow...

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I use IP for both review and extension. We do one of each type of computation from IP before we start the Workbook (so about 5-7 problems). Then after the workbook, especially if it is a short day, we do a couple of word problems from the IP.


Math facts we do at a separate time, as I do not consider them Math. They really deserve to be in your memory work time slot.


Ruth in NZ

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I really wish I had a schedule to follow...


I'm glad I don't, because I cannot predict which math skills kiddo picks up like was born with them, and which ones we have to revisit and revisit.


I get out the texts, figure out how many pages I need to cover per month to finish A and B in 10 months, start teaching, moving to workbook. If kiddo catches it easily, I put a tab of one color in the IP and EP, to swing back through it a page here and there, in the months to come. If he is struggling, I put a different colored tab in EP and IP and go back over it next week and every week thereafter until it is "gotten". Additionally, I get out Fan Math, if there are sections that apply, and practice it with diagrams. If he remains weak, I print out other problems or get another resource (our biggest bugaboo to date was elapsed time problems. ... those took us a year of revisitng!), e.g. I used Khan vids to introduce 2 digit multipliers, and I used MM Division 2 to reinforce long division.


Periodically, I pull out CWP from the year before, or the Challenges in the IP books from the year (or even two) before.


If I'm not getting through enough pages, I increase the time we spend that month, but that only happened a couple of times in second grade. I school year round (and think this esp important with math), and I like the two months at the end of the year to work on weaknesses. At the end of first grade, we used the 2 months. At the end of second grade we only needed 6 weeks of reinforcement and fun and games for 2 more, and then we moved on. At the end of 3rd, we simply started 4A a few weeks early, as I thought we were ready.



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I was trying to throw IP page in with the text and workbook. It was too much repetition. He was stating to hate math. We now just do the text and workbook. We are ahead of schedule. When we have been away from addition and subtraction for a couple of weeks, I will throw the IP pages back in the mix. It will be review and reinforcement. I don't want to start 2b until Jan, we are now set to finish 2a early Nov. We will work in CPW until Christmas break and again at the end of the year. I am using the extra books to reinforce, but also to slow us down. I don't want him to finish elementary math and be into Algebra in 5th or 6th grade.

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My ds did Singapore up to 6A. I had him do the textbook/workbook stuff on Mondays through Thursdays. He did CWP on Fridays. I think the amount of word problems that Singapore Math offers is one of the strongest points of the curriculum. IMHO, the whole point of math is to apply it to real world problems. Flashcards for learning facts can be done in a relatively short amount of time each day before you start your lesson, or if your child is picking them up quickly, flashcards can serve as a fun review on Fridays. We didn't follow a strict schedule with SM mostly because, as another person posted earlier, you never know where you'll need to stop for extra practice. We just did the next lesson each day until we were done with the book. We used the Intensive Practice book just for one year. I found it was overkill for my ds. However, it could serve as summer practice/review. SM worked great for us, until I decided I needed more teaching support because of crazy-busy toddler monopolizing my time. We ended up switching to Saxon because they offer those great teacher CD-roms. So far, so good.




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I can refer only to my daughter's last year schedule.

We did math/ logic 6 days per week: 4 days of math and 2 days of logic.

During math days we usually studied a chapter(a whole chapter or a part of it), did all reviews for day 1, next day we did IP, corresponding with previously learnt topic. We didn't use workbooks, at least during last year. We did 1/2 of CWP book after we finished A textbook, and did the second part after part B had been done. My daughter also used " Andrew's R" worksheets and topical tests. Singapore is not the only one math curriculum we use, so she does study a lot of math.

Edited by SneguochkaL
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I use IP and CWP as a supplement to my other math curriculum, but I go through and circle the problems I'll have him do, and then we just do whatever is circled on a 2-page spread each day as a second "math time" (afternoon). It doesn't take long. We aren't doing all the problems because many of the "regular" problems are not any harder than the ones we're doing in our main program, so we don't do a lot of those. We'll do a few as review, since I'm not lining up topics between the two, but we concentrate mostly on the challenging problem sets.

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