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I'm so...blah. Blech. I can't pull myself out of the hole.

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I'm sure the monsoon we're enjoying here in the Mid-Atlantic is not helping matters. And dd14 is in school now - such a drastic change from my life before. But whatever the contributing factors, I just feel like I'm sinking down to a dark place.


I need a happy light.


And I need to get adjusted to the rigamarole of having dd in school.


There maybe something else I need, in the way of an Rx, or Chamomile Tea, or a Mike's Hard. Anyway have any ideas for snapping out of the deep, indigo blues? :leaving:

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My mood/mental status is directly related to this crappy weather that we've been dealing with for what a week now? I am in MD too. I am so ready for fall and totally over this hot humid dreary/rainy weather.


This too shall pass....(my mantra at the moment).

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My mood/mental status is directly related to this crappy weather that we've been dealing with for what a week now? I am in MD too. I am so ready for fall and totally over this hot humid dreary/rainy weather.


This too shall pass....(my mantra at the moment).


Can you even believe this humidity? I'm not kidding - I was at my office, printing out some documents for my BIL and he looked at the paper and said, "This paper is weird...it's...wet!" And it was. 42 pages of Change Orders that looked like some kid stuffed them in a gym bag. :glare:

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Sorry you're feeling down. When I get down, I turn on loud music. Stuff like Rage Against the Machine and Muse and System of a Down. Or sometimes Dvorak's Symphony No. 9. :D Anyway, I find that the music tends to help. I'm going to go turn some on now, because I've been feeling pretty blah myself.


Hope you feel better soon!

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And dd14 is in school now - such a drastic change from my life before.


And I need to get adjusted to the rigamarole of having dd in school.


:grouphug: My daughter is in her first year at a school of the arts. She will be there for the next six years until she graduates. I am happy for her, but I am having so much trouble adjusting. She is gone from 7:30 until 4:00, and I am having a hard time getting use to the new routine. I also miss her, and it is making me so sad. I hope that I adjust to this soon.

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:grouphug: My daughter is in her first year at a school of the arts. She will be there for the next six years until she graduates. I am happy for her, but I am having so much trouble adjusting. She is gone from 7:30 until 4:00, and I am having a hard time getting use to the new routine. I also miss her, and it is making me so sad. I hope that I adjust to this soon.


:iagree: Yes, you're speaking my sadness. :grouphug: Mutual hug; we both need it.

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I have the same MD. Weather, and it stinks, but having a TREE in my house stinks worse. Be glad you don't have a tree in your house :D Also, do you have a gym membership? You might just need some exercise/hot tub/focus-on-you time while you plan this next phase of your life.


Hope you feel better. I think I'll try some of that Vitamin D that another poster suggested since a trip to a sunny beach is out of the question.

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I have the same MD. Weather, and it stinks, but having a TREE in my house stinks worse. Be glad you don't have a tree in your house :D Also, do you have a gym membership? You might just need some exercise/hot tub/focus-on-you time while you plan this next phase of your life.


Hope you feel better. I think I'll try some of that Vitamin D that another poster suggested since a trip to a sunny beach is out of the question.


:eek: Yes, it is true; I am glad I don't have a tree in my house. That definitely would rate very high on the "Things That Stink" scale. I did have a big tree take out my playset, but I was happy it fell that way and not onto my bed. I would post a pic, but my internet sucks eggs for uploading photos. :glare:


I don't have a gym membership. I do exercise, but I do it at home. Due to some adjustment issues with taking dd to school, I skipped my workouts this week, which is just bumming me out, more. I do have a rather nice tub, though...

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