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Am I to hard on my kids??

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Well... I will tell you I tried the whole approach of letting him have more time if he asked nicely.


I said, "Tanner, you have some clothes here that need to be taken to your room"

Tanner who is playing a basketball video game says, "Mom I will do it when this game is over"

I say,"May I?"

Replies, "May I take them to my room after this game?"


yeah ummm they are still there a day later. Did I remind him the same way 1 more time? yes I did.


Some of the posts I have read (and I have read them all) seem to have taken the idea that I don't model good behavior or respect for my children and I take offense to that. All of my children are taught good manners from the time they can speak and yes they are taught it because I use please, thank you, yes m'am or sir, excuse me etc with EVERYTHING I do or say. I work very hard with my children to make sure they are respectful, loving kind children. Some of that is just the child. I have 1 child that will share anything she owns if you ask and another that will slam a door in your face at the drop of a hat. Different children same parents but different personalites and I work with all 5 of them.


Again thank you all for your replies and I apologize if anyone that has posted or thought about posting got your feelings hurt because of it.


BTW, My ds went to his interview today and nailed it and has orientation on Monday. I am so proud of him and how grown up he handled himself! And just so you know I am not pushing work on a 15 year old. He is saving to go visit his best friend that just moved to Idaho and has been babysitting, cutting grass, and cleaning a race track (with my mother) to earn enough money to fly out there next summer. I am proud of his initiative and drive to accomplish his goal.


Thanks again,


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in general with discipline I'm a big believer in different expectations for different ages.



and personalitiies/physical abilities. I had two climbers - they could climb and you just knew they weren't going to fall. I never worried about them. I'm actually surprised they haven't taken up rock climbing . . . .


when 2dd was two and disruptive in a group, I'd take her to a quiet room (re: boring) until she was ready to go back. She hated it, and it was never long. I was always in the room with her. when 1ds was two and disruptive in a group, I'd take him to a quiet room (same room) and he'd see chairs to climb on. I tried leaving him in the room by himself - but that was better becasue I wasn' there to protest him climbing. so, I had to find something completely different for the exact same behavior. This is also the kid who was. never. lost. ever. He *always* knew where he was. always.:svengo: I was so happy as he got older and I no longer worried while trying to hunt him down.

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I will throw in my 2 cents. Personally, I think the cousin who voiced her opinion about your parenting was possibly out of line. I think everyone has their own style of parenting and unless there is abuse happening then it's really no one's place to make comments about it (unless asked...like you did here! lol)


Personally, you sound like a great parent to me although I would not have grounded my son for a week. For me, that would have been excessive. But that's just me :)

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