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Please tell me what you think of this website

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It's "Art Therapy".


I think it's cool. Her "mentor" is here, neat lady.




I'd pay sixty bucks to go to Art Therapy. In a heartbeat.


I am glad that your link has normal font, coloring, and spelling. I still don't get it, though. I am not an artsy type, though, and HATE classes/groups where they try and get you to talk about how you "feel" about something.


Art Therapy would not be for me, huh?:tongue_smilie: I imagine others would totally not get how I process things, either (by analyzing them to DEATH!)

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It reminds me of one of this sites you come upon when googling something - you know the sites that are nothing but thousands of words to snare you in to their site?

We need to each post our Paypal addys so we can get paid for our empowerment seminars here too! I am holding one now called:

Learn the Secrets to HS longevity; Nutella revisited. Cost is one jar of Nutella - 15 lb. Size preferred :lol:


You, too, could be an internet instructor/marketer person. Getting the Nutella through the keyboard will be difficult, but I'm VISIONING it happening...


Thanks for the chuckles, gals!

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