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Another chicken pox question

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I you had your child vaccinated before the age of 2, then a few years later did a bit of research and came to the conclusion that you were somewhat anti-vax, would you let your almost 12-year old get chicken pox from the little boy of your best friend?


Dd is not quite 12 and has only started the very basics of puberty. She was due for the chicken pox booster 2 years ago, but it didn't happen because I was hoping she would just get it.


Now my friends FIL has shingles. She is going to try to get her 5-year old exposed so he gets chicken pox. If friend's little boy gets chicken pox should I let dd be exposed so she gets "real" chicken pox?

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I would try. I'm in the same situation. My 10 yo was vaxed just once at 15 mos but the other two weren't at all. I would love for them all to get it naturally. I know two people who got it even after being vaxed, so there is some hope. I passed up one offer of exposure because we were in the process of moving. If they don't get it by the time they are teenagers I will probably get them the vax.

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I walked to school every day with a boy who then caught chicken pox as a teenager. He had complications and was in a coma for several years before sadly passing away in his early twenties. As I said in the previous thread, the vaccine isn't offered here in the UK. My older 2 have had chicken pox, but with homeschooling, the chance of my youngest getting it are much lower. If he hasn't got it by the time he is 10, I will get the vaccine at a private clinic. I know cases like that are so, so rare, but, you know......:crying:

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