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I feel fo wholesome..I'm cooking the freshest chicken ever..

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So, yesterday, I purchased 4 farm FRESH organic free range chickens from my acupuncturist. I'm talkin' , just killed yesterday morning...prepped and sent home with me. It was so cool...just like in that movie "Food Inc" This is a first for me!


I am roasting one for dinner tonight.


Since they cost more than gold, I want to be sure to make the very most of this poor little guy.


What are some things you make with chicken leftovers? I made sure to get 4 larger ones (6-7 lbs)


I'm one of those people who've always bought boneless skinless chicken breast tenders, so I'm not exactly skilled at getting all the meat off the bones.


I'm thinking one more casserole and then a really really good rich chicken stock to make a big pot of soup out of?


There is me, dh, and ds 9 and ds 7.


What do you do with the leftovers of a roaster?


ETA: meant to say "so" wholesome in the subject line..not "fo" LOL

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Chicken spaghetti, chicken and wild rice casserole, white chicken chili, chicken pot pie, lol...I could go on and on.


And yes, after you pick that carcass clean, throw it in a pot of water to cover with onions, plenty of garlic, carrots, celery, salt and pepper, thyme if you want as well. Let it simmer for an hour or so and then strain. The best chicken stock ever!

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I'm glad you are enjoying your fresh chickens. We have chickens now. Our very own farm-raised chickens. There is no way on God's green Earth that I'm killing one and eating it. Dh thinks he'll talk me around, but it isn't going to happen. If he kills it and cleans it, I'll cook it. Maybe. Which is really odd since I am a farm girl. I'm just happy for the eggs. (Dd just brought in #19 for the day.)


If I did cook one of my chickens, I'd use the stock and make a nice homemade chicken noodle soup.

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I'm glad you are enjoying your fresh chickens. We have chickens now. Our very own farm-raised chickens. There is no way on God's green Earth that I'm killing one and eating it. Dh thinks he'll talk me around, but it isn't going to happen. If he kills it and cleans it, I'll cook it. Maybe. Which is really odd since I am a farm girl. I'm just happy for the eggs. (Dd just brought in #19 for the day.)


If I did cook one of my chickens, I'd use the stock and make a nice homemade chicken noodle soup.


LOL I could not do it myself either! I just became friends with my acupuncturist on FB and first thing yesterday I saw a pic of one hanging on a board by his feet and the blood..and almost fainted..but then she showed a picture of them all cleaned and in the vacuum sealed bags with a price and realized she was selling them. LOL I guess someone has to do the dirty work! A far cry from the nice packaging at the grocery store huh?


I should go buy my eggs fresh. Several people in the area sell them. yummm. I've never had FRESH eggs like that. i heard it's so different.

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LOL I could not do it myself either! I just became friends with my acupuncturist on FB and first thing yesterday I saw a pic of one hanging on a board by his feet and the blood..and almost fainted..but then she showed a picture of them all cleaned and in the vacuum sealed bags with a price and realized she was selling them. LOL I guess someone has to do the dirty work! A far cry from the nice packaging at the grocery store huh?


I should go buy my eggs fresh. Several people in the area sell them. yummm. I've never had FRESH eggs like that. i heard it's so different.


I really like the eggs. We are starting to get the nice big ones that I like for baking. If you lived close, I'd give you some. I give away 3-4 dozen a week now. I just found out someone is selling the same kind of eggs for $3/dozen.:svengo: No wonder Dh is telling me we ought to be selling them.

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I really like the eggs. We are starting to get the nice big ones that I like for baking. If you lived close, I'd give you some. I give away 3-4 dozen a week now. I just found out someone is selling the same kind of eggs for $3/dozen.:svengo: No wonder Dh is telling me we ought to be selling them.


Girl! I paid about $30/chicken yesterday!!! I yelled from my office to ask dh to tell me how many lbs today's roaster was, and he yells " you paid $31 for a chicken???" I said "yes, honey..but not just ANY chicken! This is a PURE fresh chicken"...and he yells back "yeah, with some feathers still in it.." LOLOL

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$30. Oh. Oh my! Now I do feel faint. I think if Dh knew he could get $30/chicken, I'd be losing my flock. He wouldn't even have to do the work himself. There is a place in the town closest to us that will do the dirty work for $6/bird.


and that was "cheap" I think it was $4.25/lb. Other people in the area sell them for 6 something per pound!

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I've been toying with the idea of buying an incubator and lending it out with fertilized eggs for homeschool families to hatch them out. I didn't know what the families would do with their chicks, though. I'm wondering now if it would be worthwhile to do it and raise the chickens ourselves to sell. I doubt we'd get more than $10/chicken in our area, but it might be worth it even at that price.

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I am always amazed that people can get more then one meal from one chicken. We eat it and then I throw the bones in the crockpot to make chicken stock.


Of course, now I am wondering just how much I pay for my chicken at the poultry farm. I am always buying more then just chicken and I never thought to add it up. Probably a good thing. I may faint if I figured out what I was paying for that delicious chicken.

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My husband raises 200+ chickens in the summer. They aren't organic but they are farm fresh. I think he has been asking $8.50 per bird (they are usually quite large). But after the price of feed and processing, there isn't a huge profit.

We have people knocking on our doors when they hear we have fresh chickens, it's crazy! Even my previous OB nurse saw my last name and asked if we were the ones with the chickens!!:lol:

But it sure is nice having a well-stocked freezer.:)

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I am always amazed that people can get more then one meal from one chicken. We eat it and then I throw the bones in the crockpot to make chicken stock.


Of course, now I am wondering just how much I pay for my chicken at the poultry farm. I am always buying more then just chicken and I never thought to add it up. Probably a good thing. I may faint if I figured out what I was paying for that delicious chicken.


usually I just throw away everything after a dinner. I don't usually have a whole chicken.


This time I asked for large ones. There are four of us eating, so we had the roasted bird tonight with mashed, stuffing and peas.


we have plenty of leftover chicken (that I had cut for the platter) for a creamy chicken, rice and peas casserole tomorrow night. (no cream soup! yay!) I even have enough left over peas.


There's also still PLENTY of meat on the carcass for a good chicken soup and stock, so I peeled off and tossed all the skin, and put the carcass in double bag in fridge tonight. Tomorrow, I'll put it on the stove in the morning and let it simmer for hours to get a good stock. That'll make a ton of soup..definitely enough for lunches for the next week and I may freeze some.


My husband told me with the cost of these things there was no WAY I was throwing anything away! LOL

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