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Need input on 4th grade reading list


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I'm so glad to find this forum, as I'm not in a homeschool networking group yet and would love some input. I work 2 days per week at a private classical christian school and I homeschool my youngest child, who is currently in third grade. This is our first year of homeschooling and we love it. We are following TWTM as closely as possible.


At the moment I'm working on our study plan and curriculum for next year so we can be ready and budget ahead. Since we pretty much "started in the middle" this year I chose to use U.S. history that would help with state requirements. After this year though, I'd like to begin at the beginning of the story in history, as the book suggests with the ancient civilizations. I plan to use Susan Bauer's history series for the next 3-4 years.


My daughter is a strong reader and I want to keep her motivated and intersted. I'd like to put together a reading list for her for 4th grade that ties in with our history studies. I'm kind of weak in this area of history and look forward to learning with her, but as far as complimentary literature goes I'm nearly stumped. :rolleyes:


Would anyone mind helping me put together a reading list for someone starting in the middle at this grade level? Any suggestions would be appreciated greatly.




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This is our first year homeschooling, so we're kind of in the same boat as you -- my ds10 is in 4th grade (also a strong reader) and we are doing ancient history this year. We are using SOTW1 and the activity guide, as well as the Usborne Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World History. Some of the books he's read & enjoyed so far are:


The Golden Goblet by Eloise McGraw

Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green

The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder

Gilgamesh the King, The Revenge of Ishtar, & The Last Quest of Gilgamesh, all retold by Ludmila Zeman (these are actually picture books, but really gorgeous and he really enjoyed them).


And some we're planning on (no real order here):

Tales of Greek Heroes by Roger Lancelyon Green

The Tale of Troy by Roger Lancelyon Green

The Children's Homer by Padraic Colum

The Golden Fleece by Padraic Colum

Detectives in Togas and Myster of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfeld


I know I have more, but that's all I can think of right now. He also reads other books unrelated to our history cycle. I love, love, love the recommended book lists in TWTM. I just use the lists in the logic stage for him. Hope this helps!

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it's a translation of a story Sumarian scribes-in-training had to copy over and over. It also gives good insight into the Sumarian's attitude towards education and the non-educated kingdoms around them. It's a picture book.


Another we liked was Gilgamesh the Hero by Geraldine McCaughrean. I chose it because it's not a picture book, but not as difficult as the straight translations.

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or plan to read:


The Cat of Bubastes by Henty (we listened to the audiobook b/c it's a bit difficult for a 4th grader IMHO)


The Bronze Bow, Lugalbanda (supposedly the oldest story ever recorded...Ancient Sumerians), Tut's Mummy Lost and Found (easy for 4th grade but good read), some Usborne books (Egyptians, King Tut, Cleopatra), one we just got called The Mystery of The Ancient Pyramids (it's a new series of Mysteries that's out), etc.


My dd11 is enjoying Detectives in Togas. She also liked Mara, Daughter of the Nile (more of a girl story!). HTH.


Oh, for writing (not that you asked!), IEW has an Ancient History based Writing Lessons book that is geared for your age group. My dd is enjoying that for writing this year.

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It has been a long favorite here. Also any of the Eyewitness books for ancients-Mummy, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Bible Lands-there are several. I found a wonderful biography series for middle grades-Biography from Ancient Civilizations by Mitchell Lane publishers. TWTM recommends several of the Tales from ...books, folk tales and abridged "cultural stories" like The Ramayana for India, and my ds really liked them. They are nice introductions to the ideas of other cultures.

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