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Would a mouse just leave?

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I'm confused. We had (have?) a mouse. My husband heard it one morning and then later that morning my son actually saw it. I found mouse droppings in the utility room near it's location. We set multiple traps in the area it was seen and heard that morning and some other areas as well. We didn't catch it nor did it eat any of the peanut butter on the traps or spring the traps. I'm bugged to think it's around so I actually put food around in various places of the home (without any traps) thinking, I don't know, to confirm it's presence and not a bit was nibbled. Is this mouse gone? Dead in the wall (would it start smelling)? I'm confused.

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Unless my many varied experiences with mice are atypical, there is no such thing as one mouse. I've had them start slow...we'd see or hear one and then think maybe we'd imagined it. But no.... We have learned to go after the problem right from the outset. Sometimes we can use Have-a-Heart traps if we do it early enough. But once they get ahead of us, it can be a frustrating battle.


Just our experiences, though, like I said. Maybe someone else will have more cheerful news for you.



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No, I have to agree: there's no such thing as "mouse". You have mice.


Traps should be placed along the walls (they're wall runners). Snap traps may or may not catch them. They may have found something like better than peanut butter. I have no idea what goes on in the mind of a mouse. They're clever, but habitual.


We tried the live traps. After a while, we were putting two very bored looking mice out every morning. We tried the self-contained no-touch traps, bit they didn't actually kill so well, and my husband ended up freeing a bunch of live, traumatized mice. We've had good luck with the electrocution traps. They're quick, work well, easy to empty...


Good luck.

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Dead in the wall (would it start smelling)? I'm confused.


yep. we'd had mice in our garage and one died in there, and boy did it stink. later we found the body. (we've finally managed to seal up their entrance and have no more mice.)


My mother hired someone to catch the single rat that came into her condo when a contractor left the door open. He found where it was living (inside her sofa. a number of dog toys were in there too), and he set traps at points of ingress and egress. caught it.

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