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Breast Cancer questions - anyone have experience?

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Let's just say someone had a lump felt by their gyn at the annual appointment. This was followed by mammogram & ultrasound. The doc at ultrasound said that it looks "quite concerning". Biopsy is scheduled for next week.


There are so many questions. Should this person go to the local hospital or travel hours for a bigger one? And how do you get an appointment at a bigger hospital - just call one?


Also, in researching biopsies, there seems to be some controvery surrounding the safety of needle biopsies (that they can spread the cancer cells?). The docs at this hospital are quite insistent that needle biopsy is what will be done - not surgical biopsy.


does timing matter? This week versus 3 weeks from now?


Thank you for any input.

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Well my mother and I both had needle biopsies for breast lumps. I have never heard that it can spread cells. It seems pretty far fetched. I also had a needle biospy for thyroid cancer and no problems. Unless there's a reason for a surgical biospy I don't think I would opt for one. If this person had a surgical biospy and cancer was found then they'd have to open them up again to remove it.


I don't know why a bigger hospital would be better. I might research some of the doctors and go with who I thought would do the best job.


Both times I had biopsies (one was cancerous, one was not) a few weeks wasn't a big thing. For my cancer, he said we could go up to 2 months before the surgery. I was anxious to get it out so we scheduled sooner. My mother had stage 3 breast cancer and her surgery was like 6 weeks out. A few weeks doesn't usually make a big difference.

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A family member went to a renowned breast cancer surgeon at the U of Pennsylvania who did do a needle biopsy, eventual lumpectomy, and gave recommendations as to the sort of chemo, radiation afterwards for the local doctors. It was worth the trip. The only thing I also recommend if follow-up even after 5 years but ask the doctor.


Consumer reports has a subscription online for healthcare and doctors. US News and World Reports does come out with top hospitals for cancer. Just call for an appointment.

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Did you have your ultrasound and mammogram at a breast center? I would think they would refer you to the hospital that would do your biopsy. If you are not comfortable waiting, ask for another referral to the larger hospital. The breast center may have someone who is a "patient advocate" who can help you get appointments set up. And, please know that about 80% of all breast biopsies are not cancer.


My biopsy was preformed the day of my ultrasound, but I later learned that a couple of weeks wouldn't really matter. If there is cancer, the great majority of breast cancer is very slow growing. I was told that my 2cm tumor took between 6 and 10 years to reach that size. I was not offered any choice in they type of biopsy, but if there is no cancer, I think the least invasive procedure is the way to go. And, if it does turn out to be cancer, you will need to make some decisions about surgerical procedures at that point.


If you have any additional questions, please feel free to send me a pm.

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Thank you for your replies. I'll have to look at the subscription that was mentioned. I don't know if the closest cancer center is a "good" one or if it's worth a drive to a bigger, better rated one.


Thank you also for the input regarding timing. It would *seem* like every day counts but I know that it doesn't:)


This is an area where I really didn't have any knowledge before and am trying to learn.

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Time can make a difference, but of course... you only find that out when you wait and it makes a difference. My mom has btdt.


I've heard the same thing about needle biopsies, but my thought is if it's cancer, they're going to remove the area around it anyway (regardless of what the needle did) and if it's not, then there's nothing to spread.




If it were me, I'd want to get another opinion before the biop and then a second opinion on the results of the biop. Then, I wouldn't want to wait for surgery at all, like fit me in tomorrow.



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If they are able to get a good cell sample from a needle biopsy, that's the quickest and easiest way to go. I would do that at a local place. A surgeon or breast doc or imaging doc can even do it in their office, if they have ultrasound equipment.


I wouldn't start going to specialists unless you actually have a diagnosis. I had non-invasive breast cancer (called DCIS). The worst part is the worrying right before and after the diagnosis. So, if I were you (or whoever "someone" is), I'd get it done soon and get it over with. It's probably nothing. I will be praying that it's nothing. But if it is something, you'll deal with it. :grouphug:


Best wishes.

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