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DS only has 9 toenails now! - Is it infected?

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On Saturday, DS somehow tripped over the concrete on the patio and ripped his poor little pinky toenail off. I wasn't home. DH said it was just hanging on by a thread, so he ripped it the rest of the way off (OUCH!). Apparently DS didn't even cry and only said "don't touch".


Anyway, I threw him in the bath tub this morning, because the toe was covered in dirt and fuzz (he won't leave a bandaid on). The toe looked a bit red when I took him out of the bath, but otherwise it looked okay (see first pic). A bit later (maybe 20 minutes) I looked at it again and it was covered in a bubble of whitish/yellow pus (see second pic). Is this to be expected??


I did put a bandaid on it. Again. We'll see how long it lasts.


And...it will grow back, right?? DH says it will. I've never ripped a nail off. Sigh....having a boy might just kill me yet. LOL!





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Nails are tricky...they are very easily infected...after all it's a warm, moist environment. ;)


My son ripped a finger nail off -- almost completely. I put it back in place with antibiotic cream and a bandaid. The next day it was weeping and looked infected. (similar to your son's toe)


I took him to the doc. They removed the nail and put him on a course of antibiotics. If I remember correctly, they recommended keeping it covered during the day, but letting it "air out" at night.


Nails *do* grow back -- it just takes a while -- especially with toe nails.

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I have torn a nail off before and it was hanging by a thread. I don't know how your DS wasn't in pain because it HURT when I pulled it off the rest of the way!


I never had any kind of pus though. I would think if you have pus then it is infected. Depending on what he caught it on that tore it off, he could have gotten bacteria in it and caused an infection. I would take him to see his PED or your family doc.


Good Luck!

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Littlest DD slammed her finger in a door a few months ago. When her nail started to lift she got a nasty infection underneath (pussy, red, sore). I asked a friend who is a pediatric nurse about it and she told me to use hydrogen peroxide on it a couple times a day, keep in bandaged during the day and if it didn't improve or got worse to take her in for antibiotics. I did this and the infection went away and her nail grew back- although it kind of grew back a little funky. (It has a funny crease in it...??)


I would use hydrogen peroxide and just keep an eye on it- if it doesn't get better definitely take him in.

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My hubby accidentally stepped on my toe last year and the toenail popped up. I went to the doctor and they removed it completely (it was also just hanging by a thread). To me the numbing shots were worse than anything else.

He needs some oral antibiotics and some topical antibotics. It does look infected. Toes are dirty things, being on the ground and sweating all day they are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

My toenail did grow back. The whole thing grows up from the nailbed and becomes thicker before it grows out from the end. I didn't know that before losing my toe and I'm a nurse. :lol:

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Littlest DD slammed her finger in a door a few months ago. When her nail started to lift she got a nasty infection underneath (pussy, red, sore). I asked a friend who is a pediatric nurse about it and she told me to use hydrogen peroxide on it a couple times a day, keep in bandaged during the day and if it didn't improve or got worse to take her in for antibiotics. I did this and the infection went away and her nail grew back- although it kind of grew back a little funky. (It has a funny crease in it...??)


I would use hydrogen peroxide and just keep an eye on it- if it doesn't get better definitely take him in.


The use of hydrogen peroxide has almost completely stopped as it has been found that it damages the tissues and does more harm than good.

I'm glad that your daughters infection got better, but I wouldn't reccomed this as a treatment.

Just my $.02

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My son destroyed his thumb nail last winter-treatment was to wrap it loosely in DRY gauze and let it air out as much as possible. Don't use triple antibiotic/ointments/ect. It needs to dry out and scab over to prevent infection. DS might just have to learn to leave the bandaid on; it's the best thing for it.


Agreed on the no peroxide-it is caustic to tissue.

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Go to the Dr. You might need an antibiotic. It could get worse and start streaking up the foot and get puffier and start to hurt...then (within a matter of THREE hours for us) could start a fever. I JUST dealt with this on my dd. We had to have it drained at the dr. and then I had to do it at home 2 more times, yuck. Once the abx kicked in, it took about a week for it to look normal again. Now the nail is healing.

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