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evaluation today, please pray they find something

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My aspie has an evaluation today with the university communication's disorder clinic. I'm hoping they can find a way to help him with language pragmatics. We need to find something that helps. NOthing else has. Today is the Test of Pragmatic Language, and wednesday is a hearing test and some other test.


Any support would be great!

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How did it go? When do you get the results and recommendations? :grouphug:


I'm not sure. We go back Wednesday for more testing, and then they will mail me a report I think, i'm not sure. I was able to observe but could only do that for a few minutes before my toddler got antsy and we had to go walk the halls. What I observed was him answering questions about situations, and doing a pretty decent job. However, he never once referred to the pictures they had him looking at. I'm not sure if he was supposed to use the information in the pictures in his answers or not. And he was very general. They would ask "what should Tom say to fix the problem" and he would say, "he should apologize" but he never said HOW that is done. NOt sure if he was supposed to. Also, they would ask "how do you know that would work" and he was clueless. He would just repeat the first answer. I'm wondering if that is when the information in the pictures would have come into play? I couldn't see them the way I was positioned. I don't know if there were body language or facial expression clues he was supposed to pick up on.

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