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VP Self-Paced Online Classes / Vocabulary Question


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We started using the VP self-paced online classes (free 30-day trial), and I think they are fabulous!


I am wondering whether there is a list somewhere...anywhere!...with the different vocabulary words taught through the classes (hedonistic, omnipresent, etc.).

I am afraid the kids will forget the words as fast as they learned them, if we don't review from time to time...



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I just talked to VP. The free classes are until the end of August. Last year they extended them, but the lady said she has not heard anything about that for this year, so she is assuming it will be over at the end of August.


Hope that helps. :001_smile:

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Like the others said, my dd keeps a notebook. They're pretty good about keeping the important facts fresh through the quizzes and games, but I don't know how well they carry through the terms. I think they may be in there more for the upper level kids who will notice and profit from them. If your dc isn't old enough to spell those words or enjoy them or care about them, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Yes, I ended up requiring my student to write down all bold words and their meanings in a notebook. I also did screen prints of all the maps. That was my biggest issue. The screen prints show up tiny on the printed page, but that was the only way to get the map so my student could see it and the maps keep getting re-drilled. There's a different one every week and the map in the teacher manual is not nearly as detailed.


I recently wrote requesting a set of maps for the course my daughter was enrolled in, but I was told they had no such resource to send me... Too bad...


Still, I super love the self-paced course. It's top notch!:001_smile:

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Thank you for your answers!

I wanted to make sure I am not missing something!


What a pity, not to have the vocabulary words (and maps!) included in the teacher guide.

Those courses are just great, but I still believe that some revision won't harm:D!


We'll do a vocabulary notebook and I'll try to print out the maps, too.

...and I'll give VP a call to suggest including those items in future editions;)...

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Y'all realize they're going to keep reviewing the maps the entire course, right? It's not like they're going to drop them. Anything they consider essential, they review. My dd does a week at a time, so by the time she's done she has the maps down. I've never needed to print them or anything. I just asked her, and she said the same thing, that they review them so much you really won't need to print them.

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Well the way the VP history works, the only REALLY IMPORTANT stuff is the stuff they include on the cards (and hence the quizzes). I think I already said this, but remember that they're spanning a huge range of ages here. So for instance with this NTGR class, you could have 7 yo's doing it and my 12 yo. Do you REALLY think they're going to retain the same amount?? Obviously not. My dd has already been through all this before, so she's enjoying the extra stories and extra details, the stuff that ISN'T on the cards, isn't on the quizzes, and isn't required learning for the youngers. Anything that is *essential* is getting quizzed over and over during the lessons. The extras are just extras. Otherwise it wouldn't span the ages very well.


If it's not getting quizzed, it's not something the dc has to retain but is just optional.

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Our free trial will end tomorrow and for the time being I will only sign up ds.


He's a 6th grader and I plan on letting him start with Middle Ages and see how far he gets in one year (I am quite sure he will speed through at least two courses).


We'll start Ancients again next year again and at that point I will use VP self-study for the girls...


For this year, though, I would like ds to profit as much as possible - and the choice of vocabulary words is really good, imo...

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Yes, that's what we'll do!


I have been torturing myself about whether to take two or three courses:confused:.

Ds needs about 2h15 per card, and is determind to get through to modern times before September 2012...

I think two courses are more realistic, but would certainly regret having to pay full price for the third if he prooves himself right!


Ds is a history buff, and spends most of his free time reading (modern) history books, but still...


These VP courses are not even our main program, as we are about to embark on our second year with ToG (Middle Ages there, too).


I'll talk with ds some more, before pushing the order-button tonight:tongue_smilie:

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I think I am going to do the free trial for 1815-present since that is what I was planning anyway, and it wasn't available til September anyhow.



Can anyone answer this for me? Do they use the same worksheets that come with the CD teacher planning that I already own? Is it essentially the same thing that is on the CD, only with more visual media?


And: are there any other writing assignments involved with the program?

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I think I am going to do the free trial for 1815-present since that is what I was planning anyway, and it wasn't available til September anyhow.



Can anyone answer this for me? Do they use the same worksheets that come with the CD teacher planning that I already own? Is it essentially the same thing that is on the CD, only with more visual media?


And: are there any other writing assignments involved with the program?


Pen-The online course is the regular course ON STEROIDS. It's gonna blow you away. No writing assignments but they do give lit assignments. The the questions and memory work are built into the review games. They dress up in costumes, tell the stories, do map work, have great review games.


Are you wanting to finish that 1815 to modern in one month or over the course of a year? I just ask, because I'm not sure if they actually have *all* the lessons of 1815-modern done or just enough to keep ahead of the kids and start listing it. If you want to finish in that free trial period, you would either want to call and check that or pick the first american to do in the month for free and do the 2nd half over the course of the year.

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Are you wanting to finish that 1815 to modern in one month or over the course of a year? I just ask, because I'm not sure if they actually have *all* the lessons of 1815-modern done or just enough to keep ahead of the kids and start listing it. If you want to finish in that free trial period, you would either want to call and check that or pick the first american to do in the month for free and do the 2nd half over the course of the year.




No, I wasn't thinking of doing all the lessons in a month. I think I'd have a revolt on my hands. :) Just want to try them out before buying.

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We just did the first lesson of our free trial and the kids loved it. I could not get the second lesson to pull up though. Can we only do one lesson a day on the free trial, or did I do something wrong?





You should be able to keep going. Try again. If you can't get it to work, contact them tomorrow. I had problems the first year, but I thought it was sort of a system thing, not just us, and that it was something they fixed. I haven't heard of people having problems recently. Dd does 1-2 cards a day, so you should definitely be able to do multiple lessons.

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You should be able to keep going. Try again. If you can't get it to work, contact them tomorrow. I had problems the first year, but I thought it was sort of a system thing, not just us, and that it was something they fixed. I haven't heard of people having problems recently. Dd does 1-2 cards a day, so you should definitely be able to do multiple lessons.


Thanks! Maybe I didn't exit the first lesson correctly or something. I will try again. :-)



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