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A constipation question

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Is it okay to give a child both a Fleet enema and a glycerin suppository on the same day? This is what my doc has said to do because the enema alone did not "achieve results." I just don't want to give too much medicine, you know?

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That is a lot.


I would probably due the suppository, lots of water to drink, and wait a few hours. If no result, then the enema.



And, if kiddo isn't huddled up in pain (gas cramps can be a side effect of glycerin suppositories), take them for a long walk before trying the enema. Sometimes that will help get things "moving" and certainly helps with getting them to drink some more water.....

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Ack! Poor kid! I wouldn't want both of those things at the same time. I just commented on your other post about prunes. Will the child eat raisins? That always helps my kids, too.


No, he won't eat those either. There are a lot of flavors and textures that he absolutely just refuses. I just feel so bad for him.

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Yes, we've done both on the same day to DD#2 when she was 3. We were on vacation, camping at Disney.....she gets constipated a lot anyways, but with being on vacation away from home, she was really backed up. One afternoon she was uncomfortable so I did a suppository. It did absolutely nothing. That evening she was still very uncomfortable. I called her ped and she said it was okay to go ahead and go buy a kids fleet enema to give to her. I sent DH to the store and we gave it to her. She went and all was better. I was getting worried!

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