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another Hamster searching question

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Put a five gallon bucket on the floor with a long piece of cardboard or something going up to it like a ladder. Put a bunch of bedding in the bottom with a very full bowl of food and a water bottle taped to the inside. Make tiny notches in the cardboard and put treats in it, like sunflower seeds. Hopefully the hamster will find it and get in there, but not be able to get out.

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Our hamster escaped once, we found him 3 days later at bedtime when he dashed out of dds room into the boys room and back again. Turns out he was living in teh very back of her closet behind a toy bin. Though with the amount of poop under her bed I'd say he liked it under there too. Even with a cat in the house he was safe running around. Look under the beds, and in the farthest darkest corners of closets if you want to keep looking now. Otherwise you are going to be leaving him to his own devices for a couple days.

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Put a five gallon bucket on the floor with a long piece of cardboard or something going up to it like a ladder. Put a bunch of bedding in the bottom with a very full bowl of food and a water bottle taped to the inside. Make tiny notches in the cardboard and put treats in it, like sunflower seeds. Hopefully the hamster will find it and get in there, but not be able to get out.


I would try this. Does the live pet trap have room for food and water? If you are going to be gone and cannot release him back into his cage he could be in the trap dead or sick by the time you return. I would leave food and water out for him while you are gone if you do not set up the bucket trap described above.

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oh, I was only going to use the trap tonight...I wouldn't do it over the time we were gone. In fact, I am not even going to use the trap over night...it is very small and I would hate to even make him spend the night in the thing...if we don't catch him, I am not sure what I will do...punt, I suppose.

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How many helpers do you have to help search?


I think I would keep looking, if it were me. He is probably sleeping in some cozy, soft spot. I'd search room by room, closing doors as I went. He can't climb, right? So he is most likely at or near ground level.


Look in and around shoes, small boxes, open closets, anywhere with paper or cloth on or near the floor. Have you tried your pantry floor?


Poor little guy. He is probably having the time of his life and doesn't know you are about to leave!

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Put a five gallon bucket on the floor with a long piece of cardboard or something going up to it like a ladder. Put a bunch of bedding in the bottom with a very full bowl of food and a water bottle taped to the inside. Make tiny notches in the cardboard and put treats in it, like sunflower seeds. Hopefully the hamster will find it and get in there, but not be able to get out.


We did the bucket trap, but I just put a towel in the bottom of the bucket and put a piece of wood leading up to the bucket. I put a piect of paper on top of the bucket with food on the paper and a few pieces of food scatterred on the ramp up to the paper. The hamster tried to get the food on the paper and fell in. I didn't have food or water in the bucket.


Our hamster fell for this twice.

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We lost 2 hamsters about a year ago and they were never found. :crying:


However, ours got out because our dogs attacked the cage so we aren't sure if they were eaten or just scurried off, but we never found them.


We did have 8 babies left behind that were 12 days old though.....that was fun, NOT....trying to keep them alive after mama was gone.


Only one didn't survive though and we homed all but one of them and we still have him.



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