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Experience with Neurogistics?

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I was encouraged to use this service.


We are beginning our neurological reorganization journey with dd8 (adopted from China at age 1, SI issues, possibly gifted). We are interviewing pediatric neurodevelopment specialists, OTs and counselors. We haven't had formal testing thus far. That begins in September. I am doing research. What I read is rocking my world.


Any input with adoption related spd is appreciated. I have scanned the threads here but haven't found anyone with a similar story.


Books to read?


Thank you in advance!!! :001_smile:

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I have no advice except what you probably already know, but I'll throw it out here anyway. The Neurogistics site, at first glance, sounds interesting on the one hand, but on the other, I'd look at what they are offering with a very skeptical eye (I didn't read through it). Who recommended the site? Neurotransmitters is a subject I'd like to look into more, but I never seem to find the time. My ds8 takes supplements of magnesium and inositol, sort of for that purpose (to assist neurotransmitters), among other purposes (both are powdered).


I'd see an OT about the SPD, one who is experienced and knowledgable about it; see, e.g., the SPD Foundation site.


I'd find a neuropsych (or possibly an ed psych, which is more in the realm of my own experience) who specializes in testing 2E kids. That is very important in this situation, IMO. ETA: to find someone, besides by word of mouth, IMO, generally psychs who specialize in gifted kids are more likely to be experienced with 2E kids than psychs who deal more with LDs and not so much gifted. If you go the ed psych route rather than neuropsych, you can find ed psychs by checking the websites of local gifted schools for the testers they recommend for their required admissions testing.


That's all I have so far. Best of luck :)

Edited by wapiti
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oh, books:


Generally, the Eides' The Mislabeled Child tops the list. Maybe Jim Webb's Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Kids.


on SPD: Dr Miller's Sensational Kids and Kurcinka's The Out of Sync Child.


for OT stuff to do at home: Brain Gym, Teacher's Edition (also see youtube for examples of the exercises)


Other book recommendations would depend on more particular academic issues, if there are any. I'm sorry I don't know about the adoption angle.

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It looks interesting but I am a bit leary of it after reading the website. When using their program with children with Reactive Attachment Disorder, it says the results were 'nothing short of phenomenal' when paired with positive behavioral therapy. While I believe diet is a huge componenet, and that many of our kids have deficiencies for one reason or another, I wonder if you can get the same testing and results for less using a different provider. On one page it says that consults with their experts is up to $75 per 1/2 hour.


What Is the Cost of the Children's Program?





•A Neurotransmitter Laboratory Test Kit - A simple urine test that contains everything you need to take your sample in the privacy of your home. Laboratory fees, shipping /handling and return postage (domestic only) are all included.

•A Personal Intake Assessment: An assessment will be emailed to you for completion, once received, we will contact you to set up brief phone intake consultation with our staff therapist Emily Roberts MA, LPC.

•A Neurogistics® Brain Wellness Report including your customized protocol

•The Brain Wellness Connection membership

•"An Introduction to Neurotransmitter Balancing in Adopted Children" by Pam Machemehl Helmly, CN (Downloadable MP3 file) A valuable parent guide with specific information on brain chemistry balancing in at-risk children.

•Additional consults with our Chief Science Officer Pam Machemehl Helmly CN, are available at an extra fee, as are parent educational consults and parent coaching with our Parent Educator and Child's Program Director Emily Roberts, MA, LPC. Parent Coaching can be purchased with Emily for a discounted rate when purchased in full ($170.00) for 180 minutes, which is covers 4 phone sessions, or $50.00 for one 30 minutes session.

•The amino acids and other supplements that are recommended based on your child's Brain Wellness Report, average between $60 and $120 per month.

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I don't have experience with that particular program, but I do have four adoptive kids...three of whom have SPD/ADHD/drug exposure issues. We've been successful with OT with all three, vision therapy with one, mild medication for anxiety with one and are now embarking on neurofeedback with all three. If there's anything in our story that is helpful for you, feel free to pm me! I will say this from looking briefly at the site...dietary changes and vitamins made the least noticeable difference for our kids. Helpful, sure. A cure? Nope. We have needed the other therapies to affect any real change.

Edited by Twinmom
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Thanks, gang. I appreciate the info.


Based on successful experiences, two dear local friends have recommended we do counseling, neuro-reorg therapy as well as the brain supplements. Our ped is referring us to an OT. She had an interesting conversation w/ dd yesterday. She said dd has sensory integration disorder and anxiety. Doc wants me to pick the OT clinic and counselor -- so I am researching clinics in the pdx/swwa area. Not sure if we will do neuro-reorg, regular OT or a combination of both. We found a wonderful local counselor who specializes in working with internationally adopted kids. She won't work with us unless we do reorg. After years of counseling she says regular OT isn't enough.


Does anyone have experience with neuroreorganizational exercises? I understand it includes lots of belly crawling and brain stimulating exercise. I have 3 local friends who have had great success with Emily Beard. They say she is a miracle worker.


I read The Out Of Sync Child this weekend. Fascinating.


We won't do any giftedness testing until our therapy is done as that could affect the results.


Thank you in advance for any more info on these topics.

Edited by Beth in SW WA
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Beth, considering you are in WA State I would consider working with a licensed ND for any neuro transmitter testing or possible treatments. My ND does those and it is just 'part' of finding the right balance for my specific body. I think there is more to it than just neuro-transmitters and I would be hesitant to sign on for any program that did the testing and offered treatment as well in one nice package. Unfortunately bodies are not set up to just have 'one' thing going on with them, and a good, qualified ND would be able to work with diet, specific things going on with your child beyond just neuro-transmitter levels. It is certainly a valid thing to look into though, and I may be mis-interpreting what I am reading and what they are offering, but having worked with an ND for 9 years now I just think it's not the be all end all, nor the place to start.

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