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How long after laparoscopy did it take for your endometriosis symptoms to improve?

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Abdominal pain is, indeed, one of my symptoms, but referred pain in my shoulder blade and groin have been plaguing me more than anything. I'm not talking about the shoulder pain associated with the procedure itself (pumping the abdoment full of air). Before I ever had the procedure to see if endometriosis was even the problem, I had shoulder blade and groin pain along with my abdominal symptoms.


So if your symptoms of endo. eventually went away, how long did it take? My shoulder blade and groin felt great the first couple of days, but then I realized...duh....it was because I was taking hydrocodone and advil...not because the surgery was already a smashing success.


Looking for some hope that my symptoms *might* get better soon.

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Hmmm...I knew it could move throughout the abdominal cavity, but hadn't heard that it could move that far??? My impression was that referred pain in the shoulder blade and groin often originates in the abdomen...like endometriosis pressing on a nerve. Similar to the gallbladder and it's link with right shoulder blade pain. (And I don't have gallstones...and my gallbladder is functioning properly according to the hidascan and sonogram).

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I don't think you want my answer. It did finally stop making me miserable outside of key times/issues (ovulation, period, bowel inflammation, etc). However, it was not related to any of the FIVE laparoscopies I had, the Lupron, or any of the like. I actually don't know what caused my relief. Probably some hormonal difference in my late 20s?


I wish you the very best.

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