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Ds stayed with MIL last night and she called to say his eye was swollen, red, and painful. We are leaving tomorrow for several days and I wanted to get this handled today so I took him to the doc. He says it is a stye and prescribed oral antibiotics.


This is our first stye so I scanned the net quickly to find a relief for the pain/itching and found out that styes will normally run their course and heal pretty quickly. So, I don't know if I want to give him a round of antibiotics for something that will probably be gone on its own soon. However, he is pretty uncomfortable and we will be traveling for the next few days. Perhaps I should go ahead and give them to him and get it over with???? He hasn't been on any antibiotics in at least two years, so it isn't like he is on them all of the time. WWYD???


Also, is there anything besides hot compresses to relief the pain/itching?

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Call the doctor back and ask that he explain why the antibiotic instead of an itch relief.



I agree...


I get styes a lot unfortunately and this works really well at cleaning it and speeding up healing time. My eye doc told me about it. I've never been given antibiotics for them but I really don't go to the Dr for that anyway.

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DS10 used to get styes rather frequently. Only once did the doctor prescribe an antibiotic -- the stye was incredibly stubborn that one time and ds' eye was swollen shut. Nothing else helped - hot compresses, topical meds, etc so the doctor sent abx.


We have had good success with hot compresses and hot tea bags. We also have had good success when we have placed the compresses not only on the affected eye but also on ds' cheek - to open everything so stuff can drain.

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