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We did it!


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Today was our first day of school and we did it! Finished spelling, reading, writing, math and grammar. Oh it was loads of fun. I'm so proud of my little Pigby. I posted details on my blog. It was a good day. How did everyone else's first day go? I'm still on a high, that was fun. One down, 179 to go.

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Our first day back, too. It went better than I expected. The olders cooperated. The WeeOne, though, was entirely not happy not being the center of attention. I tried to give her parallel activities, but except for "practicing piano" with her brother, to his great distraction, she didn't approve. That slowed us down quite a bit.


She did like "sharpening pencils" (she doesn't have the strength yet to push the pencils in far enough to get anywhere).


We had one or two things we didn't get to, but we got the three R and piano and science, so it was good.

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Our first day back, too. It went better than I expected. The olders cooperated. The WeeOne, though, was entirely not happy not being the center of attention. I tried to give her parallel activities, but except for "practicing piano" with her brother, to his great distraction, she didn't approve. That slowed us down quite a bit.


She did like "sharpening pencils" (she doesn't have the strength yet to push the pencils in far enough to get anywhere).


We had one or two things we didn't get to, but we got the three R and piano and science, so it was good.

Oh yeah, Digby pitched a colossal fit when we tried to work while he was awake. I learned my lesson. No more school when he's awake!

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First day 4th grade! It went well for us. We jumped right back into our routine. :001_smile: We completed everything except Latin, because we had to take a break and run to a dentist apt I had forgotten about. What was I thinking scheduling that on the first day school! Well, it was a short appointment, ds just had to get sealants on his back teeth so we were in and out. Got home in time to finish school just as the neighbor kids were knocking on the door.

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Awesome!!! Today was my first day also with a 5th, 1st, K and pre-K. It went pretty good. Still need to figure out what to do when so everyone isn't saying Mommy at the same time. But I'm really looking forward to the school year. It's my first year back after a 3 year break.

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